LinkedList To a 6 years old-拾光赋

LinkedList To a 6 years old

LinkedList To a 6 years old, A linked list is a data structure that consists of a chain of connected elements called “nodes.” Each node stores some data and a pointer to the next...
Reverse Lists, Add them, Reverse the sum and return the sum as a List-拾光赋

Reverse Lists, Add them, Reverse the sum and return the sum as a List

Reverse Lists, Add them, Reverse the sum and return the sum as a List,I came around this problem while solving questions on leetcode. This is a very good problem of linked lists. B...
Doubly Linked Lists Implementation JavaScript and Python-拾光赋

Doubly Linked Lists Implementation JavaScript and Python

Doubly Linked Lists Implementation JavaScript and Python, What is Doubly Linked List? We already know what a linked list is, from the first section definition. A doubly linked list...
Linked Lists in Python-拾光赋

Linked Lists in Python

Linked Lists in Python,While developing software we all look for the best ways to structure our data.Today I want to explore one the ways in which we can better structure our data....