Abstração em Programação Orientada a Objetos
Abstração em Programação Orientada a Objetos, O que é Abstração? Abstração é um dos princípios fundamentais da Programação Orientada a Objetos (POO) que se refere à c...
Herança e Classes Abstratas em Programação Orientada a Objetos
Herança e Classes Abstratas em Programação Orientada a Objetos, O que é Herança? Herança é um dos pilares fundamentais da Programação Orientada a Objetos (POO) que permite...
Abstract Classes in Java – Breaking It Down
Abstract Classes in Java – Breaking It Down, What is an Abstract Class? An abstract class is like a blueprint for other classes. You can’t create an object directly from an abstr...
# 🤖 Mastering Regex in Java: A Developer’s Essential Guide
# 🤖 Mastering Regex in Java: A Developer's Essential Guide,Regular expressions, commonly known as Regex, are powerful tools in a developer's arsenal for pattern matching and text ...
Implementing a Map Using Hashing
Implementing a Map Using Hashing,A map can be implemented using hashing. Now you understand the concept of hashing. You know how to design a good hash function to map a key to an i...
Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining
Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining,The separate chaining scheme places all entries with the same hash index in the same location, rather than finding new locations. Each l...
Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing
Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing,A collision occurs when two keys are mapped to the same index in a hash table. Generally, there are two ways for handling collisions: open...
Hashing,Hashing is superefficient. It takes O(1) time to search, insert, and delete an element using hashing. An element can be found in O(log n) time in a well-balanced search tre...
The this Reference
The this Reference,The keyword this refers to the object itself. It can also be used inside a constructor to invoke another constructor of the same class. The this keyword is the n...
The Scope of Variables
The Scope of Variables,The scope of instance and static variables is the entire class, regardless of where the variables are declared. Local variables are declared and used inside ...
Immutable Objects and Classes
Immutable Objects and Classes,You can define immutable classes to create immutable objects. The contents of immutable objects cannot be changed. Normally, you create an object and ...
Array of Objects
Array of Objects,An array can hold objects as well as primitive type values. Single-Dimensional Arrays, described how to create arrays of primitive type elements. You can also crea...