what is private ?
what is private ?,In java the private keyword is an access modified. that limit the visibility of field method and constructor to the class that defines them it can be accessed onl...
why java is a platform Independent ?
why java is a platform Independent ?,we can write java code in one system run on another system. java does not compile into a machine code. It compile into byte code and it will be...
what is java ?
what is java ?,java is a oop language object oriented programming language (state and behaviour) java is simple java is a secure language java is a platform independents high perfo...
what is method overloading ?
what is method overloading ?,In java Method overloading is the practice of having multiple methods in a class with the same name but different parameters. 原文链接:what is method ...
what is reference variable ?
what is reference variable ?,A reference variable in java is a variable that stores the memory address of an object, allowing you to access and change the object data and behavior ...
what is data types ?
what is data types ?,Data types refer to the different size and value that can be stored in the variable two types of data types are in java programming 1.primitive data type 2.non...
How to get familiar with a new team project quickly
How to get familiar with a new team project quickly,Key Aspects to Understand: 1.How to download,install,and use the client application? What are the business functions? 2.How to c...
Building a Simple Voucher System for Small Businesses
Building a Simple Voucher System for Small Businesses, [EN-US] Building a Simple Voucher System for Small Businesses When I started as a freelancer, one of my first projects was fo...
Master Functional Programming in Java: Using Predicate and Function Elegantly
Master Functional Programming in Java: Using Predicate and Function Elegantly,Functional programming has become an essential part of the Java ecosystem since Java 8, thanks to the ...
The Difference Between `-able` and `-tor` in Java: My Visualization
The Difference Between `-able` and `-tor` in Java: My Visualization,When I first encountered Java interfaces like Iterable/Iterator and Comparable/Comparator, I was thoroughly conf...
OOP Bootcamp 2: The Why of OOP
OOP Bootcamp 2: The Why of OOP,Object-Oriented Programming has been consistently in the spotlight for the past 2 decade by some individuals for its verbosity, lack of good function...
L’attaque des clones mutants : améliorez la fiabilité de vos tests à l’aide des tests de mutation
L'attaque des clones mutants : améliorez la fiabilité de vos tests à l'aide des tests de mutation, Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine… Une sombr...