JVM Primer Part 2 – Debugging memory issues
JVM Primer Part 2 - Debugging memory issues, JVM-Troubleshooting (2 Part Series) 1 A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1 2 JVM Primer Part 2 - Debugging memory ...
A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting – 1
A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1, JVM-Troubleshooting (2 Part Series) 1 A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1 2 JVM Primer Part 2 - Deb...
The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java
The Road Not Taken? — Kotlin or Java, Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash The first one-million dollar question that comes to every Android developer while starting a new projec ...
Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin
Kottpd — HTTP Server in pure Kotlin,In today’s post I would like to talk about one of the projects I’m working on. I define it as light HTTP framework and it is made in pure Kot...
Kotlin DSL: From Theory to Practice
Kotlin DSL: From Theory to Practice,SQL, RegExp, Gradle — what do they have in common? All of them represent an example of using domain-specific languages, or DSLs. Languages of t...
A small piece of code which is going to inspire you to try out Kotlin
A small piece of code which is going to inspire you to try out Kotlin,A few months ago I’ve started to discover Jetbrains’ Kotlin language which gave a good impression to me. I ...
Encapsulate state and expose behavior when writing object-oriented code
Encapsulate state and expose behavior when writing object-oriented code,A-PIE. You ever heard of that? For some reason my mouth is watering. A-PIE is not only a delicious baked des...
RxJava combineLatest quick example by Kotlin
RxJava combineLatest quick example by Kotlin,RxJava's combineLatest is very convenient but I can use it difficultly because it has many overloads. So I wrote the code snippet for c...
How Kotlin Calamity Devours Your Java Apps Like Lightning?
How Kotlin Calamity Devours Your Java Apps Like Lightning?,Originally published on Hackernoon. I hear what you are saying. There is that buzz around Android actively adopting Kotli...
Kotlin From The Trenches
Kotlin From The Trenches,In the last few years, the growth of hype around the Kotlin programming language has been about the same as that of the Bitcoin rate. This close attention ...
The Strengths and Biggest Misconceptions of Kotlin—Interview with Marcin Moskala
The Strengths and Biggest Misconceptions of Kotlin—Interview with Marcin Moskala,I was approached about attending DevFest Siberia, which is September 23-24th of this month. That s...
Create a DSL with Kotlin
Create a DSL with Kotlin,https://kotlinexpertise.com/create-dsl-with-kotlin/ 原文链接:Create a DSL with Kotlin