Decompiling Kotlin’s program: Data class
Decompiling Kotlin's program: Data class,If you are a Java programmer you may be tired of having troublesome implementation of setter, getter, hashcode, toString once. Does not the...
Kotlin: Removing POJO Boilerplate
Kotlin: Removing POJO Boilerplate,Kotlin is very quickly becoming one of my all-time favorite languages to play with. It is a JVM language that offers static typing, built-in null ...
I’m an Android Developer(Java/Kotlin), pre-middle level, Ask Me Anything!
I'm an Android Developer(Java/Kotlin), pre-middle level, Ask Me Anything!, 原文链接:I'm an Android Developer(Java/Kotlin), pre-middle level, Ask Me Anything!
Asynchronous RDBMS access with Spring Data R2DBC
Asynchronous RDBMS access with Spring Data R2DBC,Not too long ago, a reactive variant of the JDBC driver was released. Known as R2DBC. It allows data to be streamed asynchronously ...
Decompile and dissasemble JVM bytecode compiled from Kotlin source code
Decompile and dissasemble JVM bytecode compiled from Kotlin source code,This is an experiment to try using javap (disassembler) and jad (decompiler) for this Kotlin code. fun main ...
Kotlin: How Can a Programming Language be so Young And so Mature at The Same Time?
Kotlin: How Can a Programming Language be so Young And so Mature at The Same Time?,In this article, we’re going to explore why young programming languages with modern features can...
DC++ Clients (Java, Kotlin)
DC++ Clients (Java, Kotlin),Hello everybody! I've decided to train my skills in Java/Kotlin; the topic for this purpose is DC++ client, so for now I'm wondering does anybody know w...
Q: How Much of “the Kotlin Way” Is the Right Way?
Q: How Much of 'the Kotlin Way' Is the Right Way?,NOTE: This post was originally intended to provoke a discussion, and despite its length, the original goal is still the same. Plea...
Kotlin for Android
Kotlin for Android,Hey Guys, My name is Amir and I want to learn Kotlin for Android. Unfortunately I don't have any background knowledge in Java, so I wonder if it is possible to l...
Java and Docker – JVM Runtime Basics
Java and Docker - JVM Runtime Basics,This article originated on zsiegel.com As container deployments become increasingly common, it is important to understand how your application ...
Java and Docker – Memory and CPU Limits
Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits,This article originated on zsiegel.com For many years java developers have gotten used to tweaking their code and the JVM flags to gain both...
How to deploy Java apps in Docker
How to deploy Java apps in Docker,This article originated on zsiegel.com Many java developers are familiar with deploying java applications via jar files and application containers...