The Evolution of Assertions in Java Tests
The Evolution of Assertions in Java Tests,As a developer, I certainly qualify as a testing freak. I absolutely love automated tests that produce meaningful output. Today, I want to...
Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018?
Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018?, Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018? Java has become legacy. It can’t evolve in to a modern language while keeping its ...
Kotlin,In this year's KotlinConf keynote Andrey Breslav mentioned how pleasantly surprised he was by the results of Google search for 'Kotlin love' keywords. Developers love workin...
How to write tests for an android app?
How to write tests for an android app?,I have an app that I built recently the repo. Its even live on the play store but I'm worried that there's not even a single test written for...
Showdev: Coworker – A New Job Queue for the JVM
Showdev: Coworker - A New Job Queue for the JVM,If you've ever written a ruby on rails app you'll know a very common pattern is to have a Job Runner, like Delayed Jobs, Sidekiq, or...
Kotlin – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Kotlin - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,Hi folks! This is an article I've wanted to write for quite some time now. I've seen my fair share of Kotlin and also used it in production....
Pains of Java generics solved in Kotlin
Pains of Java generics solved in Kotlin, The problem Why does this not compile in Java? Optional<Integer> optionalInteger = Optional.of(1); Optional<Number> optionalNum...
To Queue or not to Queue?
To Queue or not to Queue?, That should not be a question Waiting In Line To See Star Wars: 1977–2000 No one likes to stand in line¹. Most people hate to waste their time queuing ...
Micronaut: A five-minute introduction.
Micronaut: A five-minute introduction.,Micronaut is a new open source Java/JVM framework for creating microservice applications. Development is being led by the creators of the Gra...
Kotlin – Is it time to switch from Java?
Kotlin - Is it time to switch from Java?,Kotlin is now official part of the Android development. But I am trying to find out if existing Android app should move to kotlin now. I am...
JVM Primer Part 2 – Debugging memory issues
JVM Primer Part 2 - Debugging memory issues, JVM-Troubleshooting (2 Part Series) 1 A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1 2 JVM Primer Part 2 - Debugging memory ...
A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting – 1
A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1, JVM-Troubleshooting (2 Part Series) 1 A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1 2 JVM Primer Part 2 - Deb...