kotlin 第28页
Kotlin for Android-拾光赋

Kotlin for Android

Kotlin for Android,Hey Guys, My name is Amir and I want to learn Kotlin for Android. Unfortunately I don't have any background knowledge in Java, so I wonder if it is possible to l...
Java and Docker - JVM Runtime Basics-拾光赋

Java and Docker – JVM Runtime Basics

Java and Docker - JVM Runtime Basics,This article originated on zsiegel.com As container deployments become increasingly common, it is important to understand how your application ...
Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits-拾光赋

Java and Docker – Memory and CPU Limits

Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits,This article originated on zsiegel.com For many years java developers have gotten used to tweaking their code and the JVM flags to gain both...
How to deploy Java apps in Docker-拾光赋

How to deploy Java apps in Docker

How to deploy Java apps in Docker,This article originated on zsiegel.com Many java developers are familiar with deploying java applications via jar files and application containers...
Generating data classes in Java-拾光赋

Generating data classes in Java

Generating data classes in Java,Kotlin has a concise syntax to declare data classes: data class User(val name: String, val age: Int) Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode The ...
How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating-拾光赋

How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating

How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating, The joy of Kotlin (20 Part Series) 1 How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating 2 Better dependency ma...
The Evolution of Assertions in Java Tests-拾光赋

The Evolution of Assertions in Java Tests

The Evolution of Assertions in Java Tests,As a developer, I certainly qualify as a testing freak. I absolutely love automated tests that produce meaningful output. Today, I want to...
Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018?-拾光赋

Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018?

Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018?, Java is too old, What should you learn in 2018? Java has become legacy. It can’t evolve in to a modern language while keeping its ...


Kotlin,In this year's KotlinConf keynote Andrey Breslav mentioned how pleasantly surprised he was by the results of Google search for 'Kotlin love' keywords. Developers love workin...
How to write tests for an android app?-拾光赋

How to write tests for an android app?

How to write tests for an android app?,I have an app that I built recently the repo. Its even live on the play store but I'm worried that there's not even a single test written for...
Showdev: Coworker - A New Job Queue for the JVM-拾光赋

Showdev: Coworker – A New Job Queue for the JVM

Showdev: Coworker - A New Job Queue for the JVM,If you've ever written a ruby on rails app you'll know a very common pattern is to have a Job Runner, like Delayed Jobs, Sidekiq, or...
Kotlin - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly-拾光赋

Kotlin – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Kotlin - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,Hi folks! This is an article I've wanted to write for quite some time now. I've seen my fair share of Kotlin and also used it in production....