Java 9 to Java 13 – Top features
Java 9 to Java 13 - Top features,Programming tools, frameworks are becoming more and more developer friendly and offer better and modern features to boost developer productivity. J...
JVM por debaixo dos panos #1 – O que é o Java?
JVM por debaixo dos panos #1 - O que é o Java?, JVM por debaixo dos panos #1 - O que é o Java? (2 Part Series) 1 JVM por debaixo dos panos #1 - O que é o Java? 2 JVM por debaixo...
Java enters its teenage
Java enters its teenage ,The Java 13 is released on 17th September. With this release, Java is officially entering into its teenage. JEP - 350 Dynamic CDS archives The JVM loads th...
Automatic Vertical Scaling of the Java Heap
Automatic Vertical Scaling of the Java Heap,For years java was synonyms of greedy applications, the kind that opens the refrigerator at night and eat all the available resources un...
Kotlin vs. Java: Which One You Should Choose for Your Next Android App
Kotlin vs. Java: Which One You Should Choose for Your Next Android App,If you're a mobile app developer, Java is probably your go-to language for building Android apps. But there a...
How Does JVM Handle Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Overriding) Internally
How Does JVM Handle Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Overriding) Internally,In my previous article Everything About Method Overloading Vs Method Overriding, I have discussed me...
The funny Java vs Kotlin battle
The funny Java vs Kotlin battle,Scrolling through Twitter I found this Tweet which I kinda agree with: I went on to check out the Reddit Post spoken of. Here is my take on what I s...
Decompiling Kotlin’s program: Data class
Decompiling Kotlin's program: Data class,If you are a Java programmer you may be tired of having troublesome implementation of setter, getter, hashcode, toString once. Does not the...
Recent Java Updates from IBM
Recent Java Updates from IBM,In preparation for a Java conference, I’ve spent some time to catch up on the latest activities in the Java community. With Java EE’s move to Eclipse...
Decompile and dissasemble JVM bytecode compiled from Kotlin source code
Decompile and dissasemble JVM bytecode compiled from Kotlin source code,This is an experiment to try using javap (disassembler) and jad (decompiler) for this Kotlin code. fun main ...
Why is the name of the language, ‘Clojure’?
Why is the name of the language, 'Clojure'?,Many who did not seek the 'history' thinks: Did you pick the name based on starting with the word 'closure' and replacing the 's' with '...
Kotlin,In this year's KotlinConf keynote Andrey Breslav mentioned how pleasantly surprised he was by the results of Google search for 'Kotlin love' keywords. Developers love workin...