A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting – 1
A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1, JVM-Troubleshooting (2 Part Series) 1 A Primer on JVM Memory Management and Troubleshooting - 1 2 JVM Primer Part 2 - Deb...
JVM Architecture 101: Get to Know Your Virtual Machine
JVM Architecture 101: Get to Know Your Virtual Machine,Java applications are all around us, they’re on our phones, on our tablets, and on our computers. In many programming langua...
Java – JVM Security Information Gathering
Java - JVM Security Information Gathering, Overview Over the last ~5 years I’ve worked with quite a few different Hadoop clusters. During this time, Java has changed quite a bit s...
Kotlin DSL: From Theory to Practice
Kotlin DSL: From Theory to Practice,SQL, RegExp, Gradle — what do they have in common? All of them represent an example of using domain-specific languages, or DSLs. Languages of t...
The state of Java and the JVM ecosystem in 2017
The state of Java and the JVM ecosystem in 2017, Introduction Java was initially developed in 1995 and it has come a very long way. Many of you might already have experience with J...