jdk 第3页
JAVA Basics #1 - Installation-拾光赋

JAVA Basics #1 – Installation

JAVA Basics #1 - Installation, Basics of Java (12 Part Series) 1 JAVA Basics #1 - Installation 2 JAVA Basics #2 - IntelliJ IDEA ... 8 more parts... 3 JAVA Basics #3 - Hello World 4...
Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands-拾光赋

Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands

Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands, Create Self-Signed Sertifika and KeyStore >keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -valid...
Most commonly available JDKs-拾光赋

Most commonly available JDKs

Most commonly available JDKs,For reasons I dare not mention, I had to install version 7 of the JDK a couple of months ago. As a Mac user, my usual way of installing is using Homebr...
Manage Multiple JDK Versions on Your Computer-拾光赋

Manage Multiple JDK Versions on Your Computer

Manage Multiple JDK Versions on Your Computer,Originally published on my blog Java now released a new version every 6 months, the latest as on the date of this post is the JDK 15, ...
Installing OpenJDK 15 on Ubuntu 20.04-拾光赋

Installing OpenJDK 15 on Ubuntu 20.04

Installing OpenJDK 15 on Ubuntu 20.04,This post shows how to manually install OpenJDK on your Ubuntu system. This example uses the latest releases of ubuntu (20.04) and OpenJDK (15...
[PT-BR] Múltiplas versões do JAVA com SDKMAN!-拾光赋

[PT-BR] Múltiplas versões do JAVA com SDKMAN!

[PT-BR] Múltiplas versões do JAVA com SDKMAN!,Tem necessidade de manter múltiplas versões do Java instalado no computador? Para este fim, softwares de gerenciamento de versões...
42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything-拾光赋

42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything

42: The Answer To Life, The Universe and Everything,The story started with a Twitter Post about the JDK method bitCount which is available for Long and Integer types. If you take a...
Great stuff is Loom-ing on the Horizon for Java-拾光赋

Great stuff is Loom-ing on the Horizon for Java

Great stuff is Loom-ing on the Horizon for Java,Almost two years ago now, I was at Oracle Code One in San Francisco. It was there that I first heard about Project Loom, a project t...
GraalVM native, not quite there yet-拾光赋

GraalVM native, not quite there yet

GraalVM native, not quite there yet, Introduction I wrote a couple of posts around GraalVM here at dev.to: Building a native CLI with Kotlin and GraalVM and Building a native ktor ...
Java 14 Records (Preview)-拾光赋

Java 14 Records (Preview)

Java 14 Records (Preview), JDK 14 Records (3 Part Series) 1 Java 14 Records (Preview) 2 Java 14 Records with JakartaEE JSON-B 3 Java Records with Jackson 2.12 Records Record is a n...
Java JDK e Maven em MacOS sem administrador-拾光赋

Java JDK e Maven em MacOS sem administrador

Java JDK e Maven em MacOS sem administrador,Faremos a instalação da JDK e do Maven em um MacOS, para desenvolvimento de projetos Java. Por se tratar de uma instalação para usu...
Managing JDKs in MacOS-拾光赋

Managing JDKs in MacOS

Managing JDKs in MacOS,With the increasing number of JDK builds and the more frequent release cadence, I found it hard to keep track what I had installed in my MacOS and switch bet...