Opinions on truthiness across languages
Opinions on truthiness across languages,A version of this article originally appeared on my GitHub pages blog Different languages have different opinions about what to treat as 'tr...
Python for JavaScript Developers
Python for JavaScript Developers,So recently I began working at a little startup in New York City by the name of Underdog.io, where I discovered that they had a back-end written pr...
JavaScript vs Java Pass by Value and Reference
JavaScript vs Java Pass by Value and Reference, Different Languages, Different Paradigms When you are working with different languages at the same time, it is important to note tha...
A Junior’s Development Setup
A Junior's Development Setup,So after reading Karan Sharma's on his setup, I felt compelled to write a little post of my own. Who Am I and What Kind of Development Do I Do? I was a...
My Development Setup on a Macbook
My Development Setup on a Macbook,I recently purchased a new 13' Macbook Pro 2015(after Apple's brilliant keynote) and quite like it so far. This is my first experience with macOS....