Item 52: Utilize a sobrecarga com critério
Item 52: Utilize a sobrecarga com critério,Problema da sobrecarga: A sobrecarga de métodos, como no exemplo do programa CollectionClassifier, pode levar a comportamentos inespera...
Item 51: Projete as assinaturas de método com cuidado
Item 51: Projete as assinaturas de método com cuidado,Escolha cuidadosa de nomes de métodos: Nomes devem seguir convenções (Item 68). Priorize nomes compreensíveis e consisten...
What I Discovered About @Transactional in Spring Boot
What I Discovered About @Transactional in Spring Boot ,Yesterday, I ran into a tricky problem while working on a REST API. Since I’m new to Spring and just starting to explore its...
Test Automation: Guide to Selenium with Java and TestNG
Test Automation: Guide to Selenium with Java and TestNG,Test Automation has become an integral part of the software development process, allowing teams to increase efficiency, redu...
大家好,我是R哥。 最近做面试辅导,帮到了太多小伙伴入职了,大多都是统招「二本」及以上学历,其实也有好些个「大专」、「专升本」学历辅导入职的案例。 之前分享了一个大专学历成功上岸的 ca...
12 Keys to Write Senior-Level Tests (Test Desiderata in JavaScript)
12 Keys to Write Senior-Level Tests (Test Desiderata in JavaScript),'Desiderata' is derived from the Latin word for 'things desired.' Kent Beck wrote an article called 'Test Deside...
单元测试的目的是验证代码中最小的可测试单元(通常为函数或方法)是否按预期运行。它应当独立于系统的其他部分,并专注于特定的功能。 在软件开发中,单元测试是确保代码质量与可维护性的核心...
处理JAVA事务和处理批量的数据的效果是一致。事务 SQL操作中是批量的SQL操作数据库中的数据。数据进行批量的操作,会形成一组数据。数据的读写操作 多线程的情况下是异步执行。 &n...
Mastering Interfaces and Abstract Classes – Advanced Insights
Mastering Interfaces and Abstract Classes – Advanced Insights, Deep Dive into Interfaces For experienced developers, interfaces are more than just a way to define a contract; they...
Finding Ceiling and Floor using Binary Search in Java (Handling Both Ascending and Descending Arrays)
Finding Ceiling and Floor using Binary Search in Java (Handling Both Ascending and Descending Arrays), Problem Statement Given a sorted array arr and a target value target, impleme...
Comparing Language Detection Libraries (& API) Using Java/ColdFusion/CFML
Comparing Language Detection Libraries (& API) Using Java/ColdFusion/CFML,Language detection is a feature that we needed in a past project. I wrote an article in 2020 regarding the...
Supercharged Java 17 Switch Case!
Supercharged Java 17 Switch Case! , Disclaimer: The original post is available in PT-BR https://dev.to/hugaomarques/o-novo-switch-case-no-java-17-e-21-3ffg The switch case in Java ...