Why Following Traditional Advice Isn’t Enough to Switch from QA to Developer and What to Do Instead?
Why Following Traditional Advice Isn’t Enough to Switch from QA to Developer and What to Do Instead?,You're a quality engineer. You know your way around software, you’ve caught t...
Default and Static Methods in Interfaces
Default and Static Methods in Interfaces, Default Methods in Interfaces As mentioned earlier, Java 8 introduced default methods, allowing interfaces to have methods with a body. Th...
Building a User CRUD Application with Spring Boot and Docker
Building a User CRUD Application with Spring Boot and Docker, Introduction Spring Boot is a framework that simplifies the development of production-ready applications using the Spr...
Unveiling the Inner Workings of Spring AOP
Unveiling the Inner Workings of Spring AOP,In this post, we will demystify the internal mechanics of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) in Spring. The focus will be on understanding...
指针 C/C++ windows编程平台的使用使用很多。C++程序设计语言和Java程序设计语言是一样的标准开发语言。程序设计语言的开发类库发布之后会绑定相应的平台。现 C++程序设计语言的...
jdk8调用第三方接口出现握手失败(Received fatal alert: handshake_failure)
1、记一次错误 1、问题出现的场景 1、 通过java代码调用第三方接口,出现这个ssl认证,握手失败。我的jdk版本是1.8_131版本出现的 错误提示: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received...
1、什么是JSON? JSON: JavaScript Object Notation(JS 对象描述法)。 JSON 是一种存储和交换数据的语法。 JSON 是通过 JS对象描述法书写的文本,用字面文本的形式来表示一个JS对象 2、为什么...
Something could double the development efficiency of Java programmers
Something could double the development efficiency of Java programmers,Computing dilemma in the application Development and Framework, which should be given the higher priority? Jav...
Understanding Serialization and Deserialization: Methods, Examples, and Best Practices
Understanding Serialization and Deserialization: Methods, Examples, and Best Practices, 1. What is Serialization and Deserialization? Serialization and deserialization are processe...
I Improve Your IDEs: The Most Useful Plugins
I Improve Your IDEs: The Most Useful Plugins,JetBrains IDEs are already quite powerful, but with the right add-ons you can take that power to the next level. So, what are the best ...