iot 第6页
An IoT Busy light for folks working from home-拾光赋

An IoT Busy light for folks working from home

An IoT Busy light for folks working from home, Let your family know you are in meetings with an IoT Busy light Like a lot of folks at the moment, I'm working for home and my child ...
Simulación de un entorno ubicuo para elevadores de un edificio con OSGI-拾光赋

Simulación de un entorno ubicuo para elevadores de un edificio con OSGI

Simulación de un entorno ubicuo para elevadores de un edificio con OSGI,El término OSGi generalmente se refiere a cualquiera de las organizaciones de la Alianza OSGi o la tecnolo...
voltage to data conversation-拾光赋

voltage to data conversation

voltage to data conversation,Hello guys, can anyone tell me how to convert the voltage to PPM using node js or javascript? 原文链接:voltage to data conversation
Twitter Bot-拾光赋

Twitter Bot

Twitter Bot,In this module we will learn how to run a simple python based script for micro-managing a twitter account by replying to mentions, liking and retweeting timeline tweets...
Reporter Bot-拾光赋

Reporter Bot

Reporter Bot,In this module we will learn how to run a simple python script for reporting the follower status of twitter accounts, with support for multiple account additions and g...
Running a python script on boot on a RPi-拾光赋

Running a python script on boot on a RPi

Running a python script on boot on a RPi,Once you are able to successfully run your python script from the terminal, what are your options to run the same script on booting the Ra...
End-to-End Serverless Real-Time IoT with Python-拾光赋

End-to-End Serverless Real-Time IoT with Python

End-to-End Serverless Real-Time IoT with Python,Python runs on IoT devices. It runs on Azure Functions. It runs pretty much anywhere! In this article, we'll look at how to build an...
Raspberry Pi, Azure IoT Central, and Docker Container Debugging-拾光赋

Raspberry Pi, Azure IoT Central, and Docker Container Debugging

Raspberry Pi, Azure IoT Central, and Docker Container Debugging, PyLab 2: Raspberry Pi, Azure IoT Central, and Docker Container Debugging Follow me on Twitter @dglover Author Dave ...
Raspberry Pi, Debugging a Python Internet of Things Application-拾光赋

Raspberry Pi, Debugging a Python Internet of Things Application

Raspberry Pi, Debugging a Python Internet of Things Application, PyLab 1: Raspberry Pi, Debugging a Python Internet of Things Application Follow me on Twitter @dglover Author Dave ...
Five things you didn't know you could do with Python-拾光赋

Five things you didn’t know you could do with Python

Five things you didn't know you could do with Python,What do you call a 3.14 inch long snake? A π-thon You're welcome. According to the 2019 Stack Overflow developer survey, Pytho...
JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) - a new IoT and messaging protocol-拾光赋

JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) – a new IoT and messaging protocol

JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) - a new IoT and messaging protocol,Dear fellow developers, After using MQTT in many of my IoT projects in last few years, I have realized t...
A new messaging protocol for real-time systems-拾光赋

A new messaging protocol for real-time systems

A new messaging protocol for real-time systems,I have been working on IoT projects for last five years. After using MQTT in many of my projects I have realized that there is a huge...