iot 第2页
MicroPython 101 IoT Basics-拾光赋

MicroPython 101 IoT Basics

MicroPython 101 IoT Basics,MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library. It's...
Unlocking the Potential of Industry IoT: A Journey of Intelligent Production-拾光赋

Unlocking the Potential of Industry IoT: A Journey of Intelligent Production

Unlocking the Potential of Industry IoT: A Journey of Intelligent Production,“The IoT enables us to collect more data about our world than ever before, and it’s giving us the opp...
Trying Google Nest API with Postman and Python-拾光赋

Trying Google Nest API with Postman and Python

Trying Google Nest API with Postman and Python,A side project of mine requires automating my Google Nest thermostat so I decided to try out the Smart Device Management (SDM) API. S...
I Created a Python Script To Control my ROKU TV-拾光赋

I Created a Python Script To Control my ROKU TV

I Created a Python Script To Control my ROKU TV, Preface For those that don’t know what a Roku Tv is, it’s a Tv that comes with software that can play different popular streaming...
Getting started with the Cumulocity Python API-拾光赋

Getting started with the Cumulocity Python API

Getting started with the Cumulocity Python API,My name is Christoph Souris. I’m a consultant at Software AG and one of the creators of the Cumulocity Python API. In this article I...
Jump-Start your next Cumulocity IoT microservice project in Java-拾光赋

Jump-Start your next Cumulocity IoT microservice project in Java

Jump-Start your next Cumulocity IoT microservice project in Java, Interested in attending IoT Developer events? Join the Software AG Cumulocity IoT Developers group and get notifie...
Understanding MQTT with Eclipse Paho Python Part 1-拾光赋

Understanding MQTT with Eclipse Paho Python Part 1

Understanding MQTT with Eclipse Paho Python Part 1,In this two part series, we explore the world of IoT...or rather group of things. We explain core concepts you need to get starte...
Building An IoT Application Using an HTTP API-拾光赋

Building An IoT Application Using an HTTP API

Building An IoT Application Using an HTTP API,For years the world has been abuzz with IoT devices. These devices range from alarm clocks that show the current weather to refrigerat...
Connect Your Pico W To The Internet And Control It From The Web-拾光赋

Connect Your Pico W To The Internet And Control It From The Web

Connect Your Pico W To The Internet And Control It From The Web,I recently made a new video showing how to take your brand new Pico W, connect it securely to the internet, and cont...
Get Started with the Pico W-拾光赋

Get Started with the Pico W

Get Started with the Pico W, Anvil on the Pico W (2 Part Series) 1 Get Started with the Pico W 2 Build a Morse Code Generator with the Pico W Build your first internet-connected de...
AWS IoT pub/sub over MQTT-拾光赋

AWS IoT pub/sub over MQTT

AWS IoT pub/sub over MQTT, Introduction Hello, in this post we would create an IoT thing on AWS, use it's credentials, to create two virtual clients on a Linux VM with python and t...
#JulyOT 09: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure and CircuitPython-拾光赋

#JulyOT 09: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure and CircuitPython

#JulyOT 09: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure and CircuitPython, JulyOT 2022 (43 Part Series) 1 #JulyOT Is Coming! 2 Welcome to #JulyOT! ... 39 more parts... 3 #JulyOT - 1st Jul...