Ever used Hash Maps to pass headers in the API requests.
Ever used Hash Maps to pass headers in the API requests.,Well, this article is your opportunity to do so https://medium.com/@prathore28647/apis-and-http-client-get-call-with-header...
Let’s use the new HTTP Client that java 11 brought
Let's use the new HTTP Client that java 11 brought, Java 11 brought an inbuilt HTTP client. As a result, we don’t need a third-party library anymore to invoke an HTTP request. Let...
Http Client Api Java 11
Http Client Api Java 11,Tem muito tempo que os desenvolvedores java sofrem para trabalhar com HTTP, se não fosse por meio de recursos externos essa solicitação ficava muito verb...
JDK11 HttpClient example
JDK11 HttpClient example,Small example of how to call out to a URI using Java 11 HttpClient. Nothing new here really. Just for me to remember one day. import java.net.URI; import j...