JOOQ Is Not a Replacement for Hibernate. They Solve Different Problems-拾光赋

JOOQ Is Not a Replacement for Hibernate. They Solve Different Problems

JOOQ Is Not a Replacement for Hibernate. They Solve Different Problems, I've originally written this article in Russian. So, if you're native speaker, you can read it by this link....
Hibernate Zoo: Путеводитель по языкам запросов в мире данных-拾光赋

Hibernate Zoo: Путеводитель по языкам запросов в мире данных

Hibernate Zoo: Путеводитель по языкам запросов в мире данных ,Добро пожаловать в Hibernate Zoo! Сегодня мы прог...
Persistence Context в Hibernate Zoo: путешествие объекта по жизненным состояниям-拾光赋

Persistence Context в Hibernate Zoo: путешествие объекта по жизненным состояниям

Persistence Context в Hibernate Zoo: путешествие объекта по жизненным состояниям,Добро пожаловать в Hibernate Zoo! Сего...
How To Fetch Data By Using DTO Projection In Spring Data JPA-拾光赋

How To Fetch Data By Using DTO Projection In Spring Data JPA

How To Fetch Data By Using DTO Projection In Spring Data JPA, Introduction In this post, we'll explore how projections work in Spring Data JPA, discuss different types, and walk th...
Como eu reduzi em até 99% o tempo de resposta da minha API-拾光赋

Como eu reduzi em até 99% o tempo de resposta da minha API

Como eu reduzi em até 99% o tempo de resposta da minha API,ORM's são uma ferramenta poderosa, mas ao mesmo tempo que facilita nossa vida, também torna um pouco obscura a resolu...
Зоопарк Hibernate: N+1 запросов или как накормить жадного бегемота-拾光赋

Зоопарк Hibernate: N+1 запросов или как накормить жадного бегемота

Зоопарк Hibernate: N+1 запросов или как накормить жадного бегемота,Добро пожаловать в продолжение нашег...
Hibernate Zoo: Жадный Гиппопотам и Ленивый Лемур (Lazy vs Eager)-拾光赋

Hibernate Zoo: Жадный Гиппопотам и Ленивый Лемур (Lazy vs Eager)

Hibernate Zoo: Жадный Гиппопотам и Ленивый Лемур (Lazy vs Eager),Сегодня мы познакомимся с двумя знаменитыми об...
Spring Data JPA Stream Query Methods-拾光赋

Spring Data JPA Stream Query Methods

Spring Data JPA Stream Query Methods, Introduction Traditionally, fetching large amounts of data can strain memory resources, as it often involves loading the entire result set int...
Uma breve introdução ao Hibernate-拾光赋

Uma breve introdução ao Hibernate

Uma breve introdução ao Hibernate,Hibernate é uma ferramenta ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) amplamente utilizada em projetos Java para mapear objetos de uma aplicação para ta...
Demystifying Hibernate: A Beginner's Journey-拾光赋

Demystifying Hibernate: A Beginner’s Journey

Demystifying Hibernate: A Beginner's Journey,Hey Dev.to community! Today, I embarked on a journey to explore the Hibernate framework, and it's been an enlightening experience. Here...
Uppercase table names in Spring Boot-拾光赋

Uppercase table names in Spring Boot

Uppercase table names in Spring Boot,In Spring Boot / Hibernate, the table name is derived from the entity name. What must our naming strategy look like to translate all table name...
Know The JPA Persistence.xml File-拾光赋

Know The JPA Persistence.xml File

Know The JPA Persistence.xml File, JPA with Hibernate (7 Part Series) 1 Getting Started With Hibernate And JPA 2 Set Up a Barebones Java project with JPA ... 3 more parts... 3 Simp...