Profile not creating when creating a User with Django
Profile not creating when creating a User with Django, Profile not creating when creating a User with Django Aug 15 '23 Comments: 1 Answers: 1 0 I'm using DRF for my project and I ...
The output of the site I scrape includes html elements
The output of the site I scrape includes html elements, The output of the site I scrape includes html elements Jul 26 '23 Comments: Answers: 1 -1 I need to scrape the table with le...
Why are there 2 windows on my app? I’m using ttkbootstrap
Why are there 2 windows on my app? I'm using ttkbootstrap, Why are there 2 windows on my app? I'm using ttkbootstrap Jul 24 '23 Comments: 2 Answers: 1 1 I'm creating a small app th...
Facing issues while creating multiple instances of Dependent QComboBox
Facing issues while creating multiple instances of Dependent QComboBox,I'm working on the GUI part of the input dock on the truss_connection_bolted module on a project called Osdag...
Help me to make a decision: which language should I choose?
Help me to make a decision: which language should I choose?, Hello Developers! I'm Borhan Uddin, a 24-year-old boy. Recently, I realized that my problem-solving skills are not as g...
UserSignupForm.custom_signup() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
UserSignupForm.custom_signup() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given, UserSignupForm.custom_signup() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given Apr 17 '23 Comments: 1 An...
MultipleObjectsReturned at /rants/first-rant/ get() returned more than one Rant — it returned 2
MultipleObjectsReturned at /rants/first-rant/ get() returned more than one Rant -- it returned 2, MultipleObjectsReturned at /rants/first-rant/ get() returned more than one Rant --...
Pytest and pytest-django ends up with assert error
Pytest and pytest-django ends up with assert error, Pytest and pytest-django ends up with assert error Apr 5 '23 Comments: 1 Answers: 1 2 I've been dealing with this for the last 3...
DRF ManyToMany Field getting an error when creating object
DRF ManyToMany Field getting an error when creating object, DRF ManyToMany Field getting an error when creating object Apr 2 '23 Comments: 2 Answers: 3 2 I have a Rant model with C...
How to detect enter key from the keyboard in java
How to detect enter key from the keyboard in java,I'm stuck. I want the user to press enter key to proceed, but I don't know how to detect enter key press. please help. 原文链接:H...
Remove “%…% in urls
Remove '%...% in urls, Remove from urls Mar 13 '23 Comments: 1 Answers: 1 1 My urls in django have %.... How can I change that? At first this was ok but suddenly changed at some po...
rant_category() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘slug’
rant_category() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug', rant_category() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug' Mar 4 '23 Comments: 3 Answers: 3 1 Running into an rant_categor...