Pattern 9: Hashing
Pattern 9: Hashing, List of problems I have solved so far Easy Medium Hard List of problems I have solved so far Easy Question Solution Date Comment 136. Single Number Solution 242...
HashMap: тайные комнаты, магия и коллизии
HashMap: тайные комнаты, магия и коллизии,Представим HashMap как замок с тайными комнатами (бакетами), где ...
What is HashMap in Java - Explained with examples.
What is HashMap in Java - Explained with examples.,HashMap in Java is a part of Java Collections Frameworks since Java 1.2 and provides the basic implementation of the Map interf...
Java HashMaps:5 Important things to getting Started
Java HashMaps:5 Important things to getting Started, What is Hashing and What are Java HashMaps? When to use Java HashMaps? Application of HashMaps in DSA Problems? How to Implemen...
Judging Valid Parentheses
Judging Valid Parentheses, Leetcode problem 20: Valid Parentheses Question: Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input ...
Count Pairs with given Sum
Count Pairs with given Sum,Given an array of N integers, and an integer K, find the number of pairs of elements in the array whose sum is equal to K. Example 1: Input: N = 4, K = 6...
How HashMap works internally in java : A debug approach
How HashMap works internally in java : A debug approach,Most common interview questions are 'How HashMap works in java', 'How get and put method of HashMap work internally'. Here...