Query your database with AI using LangChain and Gradio
Query your database with AI using LangChain and Gradio,I remember starting in the world of Machine Learning (ML) around eight years ago, doing Andrew Ng's courses on Coursera and j...
Run IC-Light on Google Colab Free Tier
Run IC-Light on Google Colab Free Tier, What is IC-Light? IC-Light is a project to manipulate the illumination of images. The name “IC-Light” stands for “Imposing Consistent Lig...
Use CSS with Gradio
Use CSS with Gradio, What is Gradio? Gradio is the fastest way to demo your machine learning model with a friendly web interface so that anyone can use it, anywhere! import gradio ...
Crea tu propio chatbot con la API de OpenAI y Gradio en Python
Crea tu propio chatbot con la API de OpenAI y Gradio en Python,Hoy vamos a aprender a crear una aplicacin en Python utilizando la API de OpenAI y Gradio. Esta publicacin ser til pa...
在 Windows 執行 Gradio 分享連結的注意事項
在 Windows 執行 Gradio 分享連結的注意事項,Gradio 是個很棒的工具, 讓我們可以快速幫程式加上簡易又美觀的網頁介面, 不過如果你在 Windows 使用 Gradio, 並且以 launch(share=True) 啟用介面,...
Building an interactive nlp ui for a custom nlp pipeline in spacy
Building an interactive nlp ui for a custom nlp pipeline in spacy, Summary For the stonk pipeline I tend to focus on stock tickers from various csv files automatic generate. This c...