Run Gemma on Google Colab Free tier
Run Gemma on Google Colab Free tier, What is Gemma? Gemma is a family of 4 new LLM models by Google based on Gemini. It comes in two sizes: 2B and 7B parameters, each with base (pr...
Python script to index pages in Google automatically
Python script to index pages in Google automatically,If you have a website with a lot of pages, you have probably noticed that not all of them are indexed in Google. To fix this, I...
Extract Google Search Results Using Python and BeautifulSoup
Extract Google Search Results Using Python and BeautifulSoup,You can also read this article on our blog: Extract Google Search Results Using Python and BeautifulSoup Web scraping, ...
How To Use Google Calendar API with Python
How To Use Google Calendar API with Python,Trying to setup the Google Calendar API with Python can be a bit of a challenge if using the documentation Google has for their quickstar...
Try a bigger project
Try a bigger project,By creating many PRs on open source project, I want to delve deeper into open source, and I'm considering trying my hand at projects in larger companies. I fou...
Exploring TAPAS: Analyzing Clinical Trial Data with Transformers
Exploring TAPAS: Analyzing Clinical Trial Data with Transformers,Introduction: Welcome to the world of Transformers, where cutting-edge natural language processing models are revol...
Cargar datos en Google Colab para Machine Learning
Cargar datos en Google Colab para Machine Learning,Como parte de mi posgrado en #IA y #ML estoy ocupando Google Colab que es una excelente alternativa a Jupyter Lab, principalmente...
Trying Google Nest API with Postman and Python
Trying Google Nest API with Postman and Python,A side project of mine requires automating my Google Nest thermostat so I decided to try out the Smart Device Management (SDM) API. S...
Google rank tracker with python script
Google rank tracker with python script,This script finds the rank of your keywords and automatically imports it in your Google Sheet! All you have to do is enter the keywords in ke...
Scrape Data From Google
Scrape Data From Google,Scraping Google SERPs (search engine result pages) is as straightforward or as complicated as the tools we use. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Scrapy, a...
Foobar: Escape Pods
Foobar: Escape Pods,You've blown up the LAMBCHOP doomsday device and relieved the bunnies of their work duries -- and now you need to escape from the space station as quickly and a...
Foorbar: Find the Access Codes
Foorbar: Find the Access Codes, Find the Access Codes In order to destroy Commander Lambda's LAMBCHOP doomsday device, you'll need access to it. But the only door leading to the LA...