Item 32: Seja criterioso ao combinar os genéricos com os varargs
Item 32: Seja criterioso ao combinar os genéricos com os varargs,Introdução: Métodos varargs e genéricos foram introduzidos no Java 5. Interação entre eles nem sempre é pac...
Generic Capabilities JSON Loader
Generic Capabilities JSON Loader,Using a generic type for handling capabilities can be a valid approach, especially when we want to create a flexible and fluent API for configuring...
Type-Hinting DataFrames for Static Analysis and Runtime Validation
Type-Hinting DataFrames for Static Analysis and Runtime Validation,Since the advent of type hints in Python 3.5, statically typing a DataFrame has generally been limited to specify...
Generics in Java was never this EASY! — A Complete Beginner’s Guide!
Generics in Java was never this EASY! — A Complete Beginner’s Guide!,Imagine you have a collection of jars, all identical in shape and size, but each one with a unique label. Now...
Java 泛型程式設計的注意事項
Java 泛型程式設計的注意事項,Java 提供的泛型功能雖然很好用, 不過使用上如果不小心, 就可能會在編譯或是執行時遇到奇奇怪怪的錯誤, 尤其是使用過其他動態語言, 像是使用過 Python 的人, 很可...
Things I didn’t know about Java: Generic Constructors
Things I didn't know about Java: Generic Constructors,Later this year I will work again on Objectos Code. It is a library for generating Java source code. At time of writing, it is...
HackerRank #26 | Generics |
HackerRank #26 | Generics | ,Este exercício pede para que completemos uma classe com um método Generics que consiga receber tanto Strings quanto ints. Os Generic Methods são uti...
Read and Sort Data Generically – Generics in Java
Read and Sort Data Generically - Generics in Java,I will demonstrate a Generic Java Class that will read and write the objects any type of object passed to it (any Primitive Dataty...
[pt-br] ObjectMapper: Convertendo para tipos genericos.
[pt-br] ObjectMapper: Convertendo para tipos genericos.,Olá pessoal! Decidi fazer esse post, pois precisei fazer uma conversão usando classes genéricas. É um tanto simples, mas...
Effective Java! Eliminate Unchecked Warnings
Effective Java! Eliminate Unchecked Warnings, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The B...
Effective Java! Don’t Use Raw Types
Effective Java! Don't Use Raw Types, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pa...
Covariance and contravariance in generic types
Covariance and contravariance in generic types,Static typing is awesome. It helps to detect bugs, acts as in-code documentation and makes development more enjoyable. Recently I've ...