A Command line memorable password generator. Now in Python.
A Command line memorable password generator. Now in Python.,I have been using this utility for a couple of years and thought I would share it, code and all. A few years back, I saw...
Crafting Adventures and Cocktails: The Story Behind My Drink Generator Game
Crafting Adventures and Cocktails: The Story Behind My Drink Generator Game,Greetings, fellow adventurers and mixologists! Allow me to introduce myself; I am Jose, the proud creato...
sum, max, min, and statistics method with list and generator in python
sum, max, min, and statistics method with list and generator in python,If you have data both in list or generator, you can simplify the calculation by using sum(), max() and min() ...
Simple Password Generator
Simple Password Generator,Here is a simple python generator that use the 'Random' module with a random.sample() method. The generated password is a combination of upper and lowerca...
OpenAPI Generation with Spring
OpenAPI Generation with Spring, 1 Overview In this article we consider example of using code generation by OpenAPI specification. This is the API-First approach to building service...
Generator Random Numbers
Generator Random Numbers,Generator Random Numbers is a tool that generates Random numbers given maximum and minimum. For example, if we want to generate a number between 0 to 10, T...
for 的奧秘–可走訪 (可迭代, iterable) 物件
for 的奧秘--可走訪 (可迭代, iterable) 物件, Python revisited (22 Part Series) 1 Windows 系統上 Python 的文字輸出編碼 2 Python 裝飾器 (Decorator) ... 18 more parts... 3 Python 的格...
JHipster 7: What’s under the hood?
JHipster 7: What’s under the hood?,Hi, my fellow hipsters! I know you’ve been waiting for this announcement for a long time. JHipster 7 has been released! This is a BIG major ver...
Python guide to using generators more
Python guide to using generators more,When writing a function that's supposed to return a sequence of results, returning some data structure like a list or dictionary is often the ...
Python: how to ‘reuse’ a generator?
Python: how to 'reuse' a generator?,Generators can help you write reusable and scalable Python code, but the problem is that complicated processing often requires using the same da...
Best Django Secret generator
Best Django Secret generator,Hey Guys, Its been a while since I last post something... So today I thought why not share one of the best Django secret generator I had seen. anyway t...
Python Generator Example : File Watcher
Python Generator Example : File Watcher, Python - Generators ==> Demo using file watcher import os from datetime import datetime as dt import time def checkfile(filename): try: ...