Functional Interface in Java
Functional Interface in Java, Functional Interface in Java A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. It can have any number of defau...
Iteration – a Stream Generator for Recursive Minds
Iteration - a Stream Generator for Recursive Minds, The Iterators For anyone having been in programming a couple of years, chances are you've run into an interview question or an a...
Chain – a Goofy, Functional, Tree-backed List
Chain - a Goofy, Functional, Tree-backed List, What? Java has array-based Lists for efficient random access; there are LinkedList for efficient appending. Who needs a tree for List...
Introducción a las Funciones en Python
Introducción a las Funciones en Python,Las funciones en Python son bloques de código reutilizables diseñados para realizar una sola, relacionada acción. Las funciones nos permi...
Exploring Functional Programming in Java (for JavaScript Developers)
Exploring Functional Programming in Java (for JavaScript Developers),Functional programming (FP) has gained significant traction in recent years for its emphasis on immutability, p...
Need microservice? Take Clojure!
Need microservice? Take Clojure!,Initially, this post was published here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lets-write-simple-microservice-clojure-andrew-panfilov-2ghqe/ Intro This ar...
Code Elegance – Beyond Loops
Code Elegance - Beyond Loops, Whenever I encounter a loop in code, I see it not just as a construct but as a challenge—a fun little game I like to play. My mission, which might se...
Generator Functions in Python
Generator Functions in Python,Generators are special functions in which execution does not happen all at once like in traditional functions. Instead, generators can paus...
Elixir Pipe in Python v2
Elixir Pipe in Python v2, Py and thon (2 Part Series) 1 Elixir Pipe in Python 2 Elixir Pipe in Python v2 I had previously shared a cool way to chain functions. This is exactly same...
Python : advanced way to reduce the amount of repetitive code
Python : advanced way to reduce the amount of repetitive code,Let us imagine, that you have some list of objects. You need to call one specific function on each object in that list...
Integrating DDD Aggregates and Functional Programming with faggregate
Integrating DDD Aggregates and Functional Programming with faggregate,In the realm of software development, combining traditional methodologies with cutting-edge programming paradi...
Reduce unnecessary “ceremony” with the map method
Reduce unnecessary “ceremony” with the map method,Recently I was pair-programming with a co-worker who was struggling with understanding the map function of java.util.stream.Stre...