Mastering Code Quality in ReadCraft: Formatting, Linting, and Automation Adventure
Mastering Code Quality in ReadCraft: Formatting, Linting, and Automation Adventure ,Setting up code quality tools in a project can seem intimidating at first, but I took on the cha...
Format and Lint for Python Open-Source
Format and Lint for Python Open-Source,This week I set out to make some changes to my source code environment to support contributors to the project. The main goal was to add a for...
Chapter 3: Using PyTest, MyPy and flake8 for testing
Chapter 3: Using PyTest, MyPy and flake8 for testing, This chapter is part of the series: Understanding the Python Tox Ecosystem Namah Shrestha ・ Oct 21 '22 #python #tox #testing ...
Useful Flake8 Plugins for Python Linting
Useful Flake8 Plugins for Python Linting,Flake8 is like lint and LEGO® bricks. A great combination. You know the fuzzies that inevitably get intermixed with the bricks over time? ...
Using Flake8 and pyproject.toml with FlakeHell
Using Flake8 and pyproject.toml with FlakeHell,More and more, I am using Python tools like Poetry and Black that use pyproject.toml as a central configuration file for packaging an...
Linting Python Codes Better with Travis
Linting Python Codes Better with Travis,When contributing to open source organizations, one will notice the need to follow coding standards and conventions to have your pull reques...
Awesome flake8 extensions
Awesome flake8 extensions,Hello everyone. I would like to share with you awesome-flake8-extensions repository. DmytroLitvinov / awesome-flake8-extensions :octocat: A curated awesom...
Hello flake8
Hello flake8,Originally published on my blog. Introduction In my last article I explained why I decided to no longer use pylint. In a nutshell, most pylint warning are now caught b...
Linting as Lightweight Defect Detection for Python
Linting as Lightweight Defect Detection for Python,When many people think of linting they think about how it improves the readability and maintainability of code by forcing develop...