How to programmatically backup your Firestore database with simple steps
How to programmatically backup your Firestore database with simple steps,Why this post? Recently, Google Cloud announced in preview a way to automatically setup and schedule your F...
Run Java tests against the Firestore emulator
Run Java tests against the Firestore emulator,It's not widely documented how to do this, right? You have a test suite that you want to run against Firestore emulator, which should ...
Google Cloud Firestore Client Library
Google Cloud Firestore Client Library, FireO A modern and simplest convenient ORM package in Python. FireO is specifically designed for the Google's Firestore, it's more than just ...
Why FireO is important for Google Firestore
Why FireO is important for Google Firestore,FireO make life easier for developers when you are working with Google Firestore. Now using FireO you can create models and operate Fire...
FireO – Querying and filtering Data in Firestore
FireO - Querying and filtering Data in Firestore,FireO provides powerful query functionality for specifying which documents you want to retrieve from a collection. These queries ca...
Google Firestore ORM package in Python
Google Firestore ORM package in Python, FireO is ORM package in Python for the Google’s Firestore A modern and simplest convenient ORM package in Python. FireO is specifically des...
How to use the Firestore Emulator with a Python 3 Flask app
How to use the Firestore Emulator with a Python 3 Flask app,It's been 9 months since the Python 3.7 Runtime on the new Google App Engine (2nd Generation GAE) has been made generall...
A Repository Pattern Implementation for Firestore Subcollections
A Repository Pattern Implementation for Firestore Subcollections,If you already use Google Cloud Firestore, you probably know its data model and you noticed that Subcollections are...