Student Attendance Management System using QR Code Technology
Student Attendance Management System using QR Code Technology,Overview 🥇 In modern educational settings, managing student attendance manually can be a tedious and error-prone task...
“PageTrade” E-commerce Java Mobile App for Buyers & Sellers
'PageTrade' E-commerce Java Mobile App for Buyers & Sellers,Presenting my 2-2 Mobile Application Development Project Discover a world of literature at your fingertips with our user...
Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM)
Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM),If you need to send localised push notifications from a Java server side application to mobile devices with Firebase Clo...
How can I connect Firebase DB to Django in Python?
How can I connect Firebase DB to Django in Python?,Do you know whether it is possible to connect to the Firebase database through the Django framework in Python instead of SQL, SQL...
Building an Online Timetable – Vitalik-Hakim.
Building an Online Timetable - Vitalik-Hakim., Summer Break and the Idea During the summer, probably two weeks before school reopened. I had an idea about making my school timetabl...
Create an Android App with SignUp And SignIn using Firebase
Create an Android App with SignUp And SignIn using Firebase, PREREQUISITE: Installation of Android Studio. Must be aware of Java language. Basic concepts of android. What is fireba...
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python – Part 7 (Complete Tutorial)
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python - Part 7 (Complete Tutorial),Hey fellas I am Yash Makan back with another article. Today we are going to continue our journe...
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python – Part 3 (Complete Tutorial)
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python - Part 3 (Complete Tutorial),Hey fellas I am Yash Makan back with another article. Today we are going to continue our journe...
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python – Part 2 (Complete Tutorial)
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python - Part 2 (Complete Tutorial),Hey fellas I am Yash Makan back with another article. Today we are going to continue our journe...
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python – Part 1 (Complete Tutorial)
Whatsapp Clone for Android & IOS using Flutter & Python - Part 1 (Complete Tutorial),Hey fellas I am Yash Makan back with another article. Today we are going to embark on a journey...
Facebook Login Java Firebase Android Studio – Without Default Login Button
Facebook Login Java Firebase Android Studio - Without Default Login Button, Assalamu'alaikum Hai guys, kali ini saya akan sharing tutorial bagaiamana cara membuat authentication me...
Add document ID to the firestore document in Python
Add document ID to the firestore document in Python,Hi guys, Today I want to share with you how to add the document ID to the firestore document before you push the data to firebas...