Manage environment variables with decouple in Python
Manage environment variables with decouple in Python,In this post we're going to talk about how to set up environment variables for any Python project that we develop. Python-decou...
SetUp Python virtual environment
SetUp Python virtual environment, What is virtual environment? A tool to create an isolated environment to run the different projects with their own dependence. For example: If you...
Brew Install Java Installing Java on MacOS using Homebrew and JEnv
Brew Install Java Installing Java on MacOS using Homebrew and JEnv,I think its fair to say that going through the process of installing Java on any machine is in of itself a bit co...
Jedi PyPi error
Jedi PyPi error,ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Python38\site-packages\jedi\third_party\django-stubs\django-stub...
Python default location
Python default location,How do I change the default python path on macOS - Catalina. I have python3 installed in /usr/local/lib but I am not how to properly change the path from /u...
Django Environment Variables
Django Environment Variables,If you look at modern code deployment practices, like in the 12 factor app, environment variables are very important for keeping secret information, or...