Leetcode 2351. First Letter to Appear Twice
Leetcode 2351. First Letter to Appear Twice,Problem Link: 2351: Leetcode GitHub repo for more solutions: Git Leetcode profile: Leetcode: devn007 Geeks for geeks profile: GFG: devni...
Python Loops: A Complete Guide
Python Loops: A Complete Guide,Learn how to use Python loops. All the loops. You'll be straight drinkin' loops! Introduction to Looping in Python Programming Python is a popular pr...
Day 3 of #100DaysOfCoding
Day 3 of #100DaysOfCoding,Today, I dived into Linked Lists and learned the basics: Insertion Traversal Deletion Understanding how pointers work Excited to learn more complex data s...
My LeetCode Experience
My LeetCode Experience, My LeetCode Experience: From Fibonacci to Dynamic Programming When I first started tackling LeetCode problems, even the basics like Fibonacci and Two Sum fe...
Starting My DSA Journey: 1 Problem a Day Challenge!
Starting My DSA Journey: 1 Problem a Day Challenge! ,Hey everyone! I've decided to challenge myself—starting today, I’ll be solving one Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) probl...
Python Data Types & Data Structures
Python Data Types & Data Structures,Review this guide on Python data types and data structures, and print the illustrations to help with your study. You ever wonder why Python’s a...
DSA,I am an amateur trying to debug and learn DSA. Lets analyse the problem and break it down so we find the pattern as a solution. Lets go !!!! Note : Following multiple sde sheet...
How to Study for DSA and Development Side by Side
How to Study for DSA and Development Side by Side,Balancing Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) with Development skills can seem daunting, especially when both require a significa...
Merge Sort Algorithm
Merge Sort Algorithm,Algorithm Learning Journey The Merge Sort algorithm is an algorithm that has the principle/way of dividing and merging. What is meant by dividing is breaking a...
Orientação a Objetos em C? Implementando uma interface do zero.
Orientação a Objetos em C? Implementando uma interface do zero.,Sempre fui um cara curioso quando se trata de computação, daquele tipo que pensa: 'Ok, entendi como usar, mas co...
Object-Oriented Programming in C? Implementing an Interface from Scratch
Object-Oriented Programming in C? Implementing an Interface from Scratch,I've always been a curious person when it comes to computing—someone who thinks, 'Okay, I understand how t...
Leetcode 901. Online Stock Span
Leetcode 901. Online Stock Span, Intuition Could you use the answer of previous spans? Approach Save the price and its span in the array. Whenever the last value is less than the c...