Integrating OpenAPI Documentation and Swagger UI in Spring Boot
Integrating OpenAPI Documentation and Swagger UI in Spring Boot,In modern API development, OpenAPI documentation and Swagger UI are very powerful tools. It is very useful for docum...
Effective Java: Write Doc Comments For All Exposed APIs
Effective Java: Write Doc Comments For All Exposed APIs, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tue...
Generate Android Documentation with Orchid
Generate Android Documentation with Orchid,Fair enough, documentation in Android is not so painful with the help of tools like Jet-brain's Dokka which helps auto-generate documenta...
How to Consolidate API-Documentation in a Microservices Environment
How to Consolidate API-Documentation in a Microservices Environment,Consolidate multiple Swagger API documents in a single “source of truth” document to enable developers to util...
The meaning of package.htm vs. package-info.java
The meaning of package.htm vs. package-info.java,If you browse through Java projects in GitHub you find often files named package.html with content like: <HTML> <BODY> ...
Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin
Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin,Preparing readable documentation, that is easy to maintain is not a trivial task and not a favourite one for most d...