Besoin d’un hébergement web performant et fiable ? Découvrez o2switch !
Besoin d'un hébergement web performant et fiable ? Découvrez o2switch ! ,Si vous cherchez un hébergeur 100% français, offrant des performances optimales, une bande passante ill...
Production-Ready Django REST API Template with Full Github Actions CI/CD
Production-Ready Django REST API Template with Full Github Actions CI/CD,Hi everyone! I’ve built a production-ready Django REST API template using cookiecutter-django, designed to...
How to Use Swagger UI with Django
How to Use Swagger UI with Django, Introduction Clear and interactive documentation is essential in API development. It ensures that developers can easily understand and utilize yo...
Python Decorators: A Game-Changer for Your Code
Python Decorators: A Game-Changer for Your Code, Leapcell: The Next - Gen Serverless Platform for Python app Hosting Detailed Explanation of Python Decorators I. What are Decorator...
UUID migration in Django with PostgreSQL
UUID migration in Django with PostgreSQL, What is UUID? UUID (universally unique identifier) is a 128-bit label, generated with the use of the standardized algorithm, almost imposs...
What is Python Tuples
What is Python Tuples,In Python, a tuple is an immutable, ordered collection of elements. Unlike lists, once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be modified, added, or removed....
Finished Auth App for Galileo!
Finished Auth App for Galileo! ,I’ve successfully finished building the authentication app for my Galileo project! Next, I’ll focus on creating a Teams App to handle team functio...
My Preconfigured Django Template: Part 4 – Python-Decouple
My Preconfigured Django Template: Part 4 - Python-Decouple, My Preconfigured Django Template (4 Part Series) 1 My Preconfigured Django Template: Part 1 - Introduction 2 My Preconfi...
Building a Realworld blog backend in 600 lines of Python
Building a Realworld blog backend in 600 lines of Python, 0. Intro I recently discovered the Realworld DEMO project while wandering through github, it's a spec of a fullstack appli...
Django: Turbocharging Performance and Scalability
Django: Turbocharging Performance and Scalability,Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. While Django simplifies w...
An Introduction to Django Views
An Introduction to Django Views, Views are central to Django’s architecture pattern, and having a solid grasp of how to work with them is essential for any developer working with ...
“[PT-BR] Testes Unitários Eficientes no Django”-Torne a saída mais legível usando o plugin pytest-sugar
'[PT-BR] Testes Unitários Eficientes no Django'-Torne a saída mais legível usando o plugin pytest-sugar,1️⃣ Introdução O que são testes unitários e por que são importante...