devjournal 第6页
Python Exercise 13: Scottish Screaming-拾光赋

Python Exercise 13: Scottish Screaming

Python Exercise 13: Scottish Screaming, Python daily exercise (23 Part Series) 1 Python Daily exercise 1: Generate a list of even number 2 Python daily exercise 2: string ... 19 mo...
First program with GUI: Roll a dice-拾光赋

First program with GUI: Roll a dice

First program with GUI: Roll a dice,This times is to record a memorable day for me to create a program which look closer to what will be usable in real life. Code This program is t...
Asynchronous Execution with Python (Pt. 1)-拾光赋

Asynchronous Execution with Python (Pt. 1)

Asynchronous Execution with Python (Pt. 1),For a general overview of the advantages and concepts behind async patterns, check out: Guide to Asyncio - Medium JavaScript EventLoop - ...
PyCamp 2022 - Going camping without bugs-拾光赋

PyCamp 2022 – Going camping without bugs

PyCamp 2022 - Going camping without bugs, Table Of Contents What it is Where it is PyCamp activities Who can join Final thoughts What is the PyCamp Nature + 🤗 OSS + Python friends...
Writing about Django — #1-拾光赋

Writing about Django — #1

Writing about Django — #1,Yay for second post ever 🥳(it kinda just took me 2 whole months, but that's k) So, we doing Django now. Why? Cause I like Python more. So, what's Django...
Reforçando as bases-拾光赋

Reforçando as bases

Reforçando as bases,Hoje eu estava lendo a ótima thread de Dicas para Jr., Pl. e Sr. do Hugo Marques no Twitter quando em um dos tópicos ele comentou sobre o curso Algorithms, P...
5 years working with Java, got big surprise today with

5 years working with Java, got big surprise today with “Pass by value”

5 years working with Java, got big surprise today with 'Pass by value',Today I saw a simple Java exam question about OOP Before it, I knew stack and heap and the Java rule everythi...
post test-拾光赋

post test

post test,Hello world 原文链接:post test
Joys of Installing Python For The Umpteenth Time-拾光赋

Joys of Installing Python For The Umpteenth Time

Joys of Installing Python For The Umpteenth Time, Do you know what I love about C? It's always there. You can basically log in on any computer, open Vim, write couple lines of code...
Cartoon Filter Using OpenCV and Python-拾光赋

Cartoon Filter Using OpenCV and Python

Cartoon Filter Using OpenCV and Python, Introduction Hello! In this tutorial I will show how to apply a simply cartoon filter on any image Preparing the environment First we need t...
Fast Api [part 1 ]-拾光赋

Fast Api [part 1 ]

Fast Api [part 1 ],Hello there, today we'll look at how to use Fast APi to develop a rest API. It allows you to quickly construct APIs with minimal code. Prerequisite to follow alo...
Simple Age and Gender detection using Python and OpenCV-拾光赋

Simple Age and Gender detection using Python and OpenCV

Simple Age and Gender detection using Python and OpenCV, Introduction Hello! In this tutorial I will show how to create a simple age and gender detector using Python and OpenCV. Re...