Python Exercise 13: Scottish Screaming
Python Exercise 13: Scottish Screaming, Python daily exercise (23 Part Series) 1 Python Daily exercise 1: Generate a list of even number 2 Python daily exercise 2: string ... 19 mo...
First program with GUI: Roll a dice
First program with GUI: Roll a dice,This times is to record a memorable day for me to create a program which look closer to what will be usable in real life. Code This program is t...
Asynchronous Execution with Python (Pt. 1)
Asynchronous Execution with Python (Pt. 1),For a general overview of the advantages and concepts behind async patterns, check out: Guide to Asyncio - Medium JavaScript EventLoop - ...
PyCamp 2022 – Going camping without bugs
PyCamp 2022 - Going camping without bugs, Table Of Contents What it is Where it is PyCamp activities Who can join Final thoughts What is the PyCamp Nature + 🤗 OSS + Python friends...
Writing about Django — #1
Writing about Django — #1,Yay for second post ever 🥳(it kinda just took me 2 whole months, but that's k) So, we doing Django now. Why? Cause I like Python more. So, what's Django...
Reforçando as bases
Reforçando as bases,Hoje eu estava lendo a ótima thread de Dicas para Jr., Pl. e Sr. do Hugo Marques no Twitter quando em um dos tópicos ele comentou sobre o curso Algorithms, P...
5 years working with Java, got big surprise today with “Pass by value”
5 years working with Java, got big surprise today with 'Pass by value',Today I saw a simple Java exam question about OOP Before it, I knew stack and heap and the Java rule everythi...
Joys of Installing Python For The Umpteenth Time
Joys of Installing Python For The Umpteenth Time, Do you know what I love about C? It's always there. You can basically log in on any computer, open Vim, write couple lines of code...
Cartoon Filter Using OpenCV and Python
Cartoon Filter Using OpenCV and Python, Introduction Hello! In this tutorial I will show how to apply a simply cartoon filter on any image Preparing the environment First we need t...
Fast Api [part 1 ]
Fast Api [part 1 ],Hello there, today we'll look at how to use Fast APi to develop a rest API. It allows you to quickly construct APIs with minimal code. Prerequisite to follow alo...
Simple Age and Gender detection using Python and OpenCV
Simple Age and Gender detection using Python and OpenCV, Introduction Hello! In this tutorial I will show how to create a simple age and gender detector using Python and OpenCV. Re...