ChatGPT: The Ultimate Tool for Natural Language Processing and Text Generation
ChatGPT: The Ultimate Tool for Natural Language Processing and Text Generation, What is ChatGPT ? ChatGpt is a large-scale language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GP...
LWO #002: Annotations are just modifiers, array access curiosity, faux code generators and more
LWO #002: Annotations are just modifiers, array access curiosity, faux code generators and more,Hi, welcome to the second edition of Last Week in Objectos (LWO). In this edition I ...
Running JMH benchmark from Eclipse
Running JMH benchmark from Eclipse, What issue I'm trying to solve A few months ago, we started to use JMH in our project to test and find performance issues. The tool provides mul...
My New MacBook Air Beats M1 Max
My New MacBook Air Beats M1 Max,This is a shocker… I just switched laptops, I thought I was downgrading from the “top of the line” M1 Max with 64gb (14.1 inch version) to a “ti...
Tricks to Increase your productivity
Tricks to Increase your productivity,Is anybody faced a scenario where they found it's efficient to automate the code generation so that eliminate monotonous work, here a few scena...
Birth of Python
Birth of Python,In 1989, A gentleman by the name of Guido van Rossum was looking for a way to keep himself occupied over the Christmas holiday (xmas shopping wasn't enough hey?). H...
Python: My Learning Journey
Python: My Learning Journey,Hi there, My name is Terrell, and I am an aspiring software engineer. I am starting this writing to accomplish a few tasks. The first is to put what I'm...
Forest Defender Devlog 2: Basic Camera and Movement
Forest Defender Devlog 2: Basic Camera and Movement, Forest Defender Devlog 2: Basic Camera and Movement Written on October 28th, 2022 Table of Contents Preface General Accomplishm...
EEL! and more stuff
EEL! and more stuff, Internet creation challenge (6 Part Series) 1 I'm creating an INTERNET 2 Getting used to my new codebase! ... 2 more parts... 3 Redis should solve data managem...
Forest Defender Devlog 1: Development Setup
Forest Defender Devlog 1: Development Setup, Forest Defender Devlog 1: Development Setup Image by storyset on Freepik Written on October 25th, 2022 Table of Contents Preface Develo...
How to change already written code: Aspects
How to change already written code: Aspects, What an issue I'm trying to solve Now I'm trying to solve some generic issue. We have a lot of idempotent methods, methods without side...
Started with GUI (update)
Started with GUI (update), Internet creation challenge (6 Part Series) 1 I'm creating an INTERNET 2 Getting used to my new codebase! ... 2 more parts... 3 Redis should solve data m...