Measure twice, write twice
Measure twice, write twice, Continually measure When writing code, it's tempting to get complex. Especially when you are concerned about performance. But, you should write it simpl...
How to Hire Experienced Python Developers
How to Hire Experienced Python Developers,Imagine the situation: you’ve received funding from investors and a chance to show off your product on the market. Full of enthusiasm, yo...
Nylas API Contacts CRUD Now Supports iCloud
Nylas API Contacts CRUD Now Supports iCloud, Previously, we wrote about our development process for shipping the very beginnings of our Contacts v2.0 upgrade which allows developer...
Follow These Java Best Practices for Ultimate App Performance
Follow These Java Best Practices for Ultimate App Performance,Java is a programming language that has evolved the most. From being birthed as an embedded devices' programming langu...