What is first class object in python?
What is first class object in python?,In python, functions are first class objects in python. Advantages of first class objects: We can treat functions like other normal objects li...
Rethinking Python Decorators
Rethinking Python Decorators, Python Long-Reads (4 Part Series) 1 Setting up Python logging for a library/app 2 Rethinking Python Decorators 3 Python Project Template 4 Modular, ex...
Flask: Before and After request Decorators
Flask: Before and After request Decorators, In addition to static and dynamic routes to functions/views using the @app.route() decorator, Flask empowers us with several powerful de...
Demystifying Python Decorators in Less Than 10 Minutes
Demystifying Python Decorators in Less Than 10 Minutes,Please note: this post originally appeared on adrianperea.dev In this quick tutorial, we will learn all about Python decorato...
Trinity of Context Managers, Generators & Decorators
Trinity of Context Managers, Generators & Decorators, Python provides three elegant concepts of Context Managers, Decorators & Generators. Understanding these concepts is prett...
GOF inspired python decorators
GOF inspired python decorators,This post was originally posted in https://www.nacnez.com/gof-inspired-decorators.html The back story As part of day to day development work, I have ...
Context Managers in Python
Context Managers in Python, Context Managers in Python Context Managers in Python helps the user to manage the resources efficiently in a program i.e opening or closing a resource ...
Working With Decorators In Python
Working With Decorators In Python,In my last post, I wrote about functional closures in Python and I mentioned that the most interesting thing about them is that they can be used t...
Code. Changing it without breaking it, using a Decorator.
Code. Changing it without breaking it, using a Decorator.,How does one go from knowing the functionality to using it to solve problems? The answer is by using it in a personal low ...
Python decorators in a nutshell.
Python decorators in a nutshell., What's a decorator anyway? Decorators are a way to extend the behavior of pieces of software without actually having to modify them. In Python, in...
Python Decorators for Error handling
Python Decorators for Error handling,So I had a little python script that scraps a certain website for product data. A couple of functions that fetches data, parses for one type of...
Decorators in Python: What you need to know
Decorators in Python: What you need to know,Python decorators are a powerful concept that allow you to 'wrap' a function with another function. The idea of a decorator is to abstra...