Simple decorator to retry after exception
Simple decorator to retry after exception,Typical situation: you have unreliable function, for example, doing HTTP requests and getting exception from time to time. Maybe connectio...
Python Debug Decorators
Python Debug Decorators,Sometimes when debugging we like to print/log out all the inputs and outputs of a method: name, args, kwargs, dict etc. We would have some IDE debug feature...
Python Decorator and Flask
Python Decorator and Flask,Decorator is one of my favorite Python features. While seemingly confused at first, it is just a function that takes another function as a parameter and ...
A tiny python log decorator
A tiny python log decorator,This post is only a compilation from others posts that i read for create a log decorator. Firstly, we need to configure a log properly, an good example ...
Python Decorator with Arguments Python Decorator Tutorial with Example
Python Decorator with Arguments Python Decorator Tutorial with Example,If you want to take a really deep dive, you should read these exhaustive articles by Graham Dumpleton. Howeve...