How to debug a problem you can not reproduce
How to debug a problem you can not reproduce,Sometimes, I get a bug that I just can't reproduce in the local environment. Still, this bug is very much present in the testing enviro...
Videobug – time travel debugger for Java, Scala and Kotlin
Videobug - time travel debugger for Java, Scala and Kotlin,Hello All, I am building a time travel debugger tool for Java. It lets you trace your past code executions line by line i...
Debugging timezone issue in Java [Linux]
Debugging timezone issue in Java [Linux],Have you ever noticed that in some cases, Java will not take the time zone which is configured in a server? This has serious impacts if the...
Debugging Java Memory issues: Thread and Heap Dump Analysis
Debugging Java Memory issues: Thread and Heap Dump Analysis,Java has garbage collection (GC) feature which automatically handles memory management for us - determines what memory i...
Why is it important to create a default constructor explicitly when we create a parametrized constructor explicitly??
Why is it important to create a default constructor explicitly when we create a parametrized constructor explicitly??, java implicitly creates a default constructor for us in a cla...
Vim as Java IDE
Vim as Java IDE,Yes I know. Vim is not an IDE, it is a text editor. And the original use case of vim is not to be a full blown IDE. But the plugin possibilities and plugin Landscap...
My Experience with Java Debugger – Beginner Tips
My Experience with Java Debugger - Beginner Tips,Recently, while working on a Java project with IEETA Bioinformatics - UA, I needed to do some serious debugging in the code. As I w...
Never Trust Compiler Error Messages
Never Trust Compiler Error Messages,A fellow codementor made a post titled Basic debugging. Dude doesn't even get into how to debug at all. He mentions two ways, but then starts go...
Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes
Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes,In order to learn more about microservices, container orchestration and service meshes, I’ve set up a local development environment w...
A deep, deep dive into Java debugging
A deep, deep dive into Java debugging,This is the story of a Java debugging journey that started with a question I couldn't answer about Java stack traces. As a long time Java prog...
Flags to enable jmx
Flags to enable jmx,JMX is the xray of the Java world, it allows you to see threads and memory snapshots, debug and track unoptimized hotspots in your application. The JDK comes wi...
The int vs. Integer pitfall of Java’s ArrayList.remove()
The int vs. Integer pitfall of Java's ArrayList.remove(),Be careful when you try to use ArrayList.remove() to delete specific elements using a boxed Integer rather than a primitive...