Protegendo Invariantes no Design de Software
Protegendo Invariantes no Design de Software, Protegendo Invariantes no Design de Software No design de software, especialmente em Domain-Driven Design (DDD) e boas práticas de pr...
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach,I vividly rememeber my first encounter with the CPF (Brazillian ID) validation algorihm during my und...
Integrating DDD Aggregates and Functional Programming with faggregate
Integrating DDD Aggregates and Functional Programming with faggregate,In the realm of software development, combining traditional methodologies with cutting-edge programming paradi...
Exploring Different Schools of Unit Testing in Python
Exploring Different Schools of Unit Testing in Python, Intro Unit testing is a crucial aspect of software development that ensures the reliability and correctness of individual com...
How to implement DDD Entities in Python
How to implement DDD Entities in Python, Intro Some time ago I created a blog post about 'Value Objects'. I want to continue the series about DDD tactic building blocks and in toda...
Keep requirements close to your code
Keep requirements close to your code, Preface You are a software developer who has joined a new project about a library where you have been given a set of requirements that the pro...
Building SaaS with DDD & Clean Architecture in Python — Issue 1
Building SaaS with DDD & Clean Architecture in Python — Issue 1,It's been a few weeks, and I decided to work on a SaaS application — I had a bunch of ideas for some time now and ...
ChatGPT, Domain driven design and python – Using openAI to dive into software development
ChatGPT, Domain driven design and python - Using openAI to dive into software development, 1. Table of contents 1. Table of contents 2. What is ChatGPT? 3. What is domain driven de...
Implementing the Repository pattern in Python using SqlAlchemy as a backend
Implementing the Repository pattern in Python using SqlAlchemy as a backend,In the previous post, we implemented a really simple file-based repository that used the pickle module. ...
Hexagonal Architecture in Python
Hexagonal Architecture in Python,What do have clean, layered, hexagonal hexagonal, onion architecture and ports & adapters in common? They kind of share the same principles: Se...
How to get started DDD & Onion-Architecture in Python web application
How to get started DDD & Onion-Architecture in Python web application,I published the following code for sharing knowledge of DDD & Onion Architecture in Python web application...
Desacoplando a camada de domínio de uma aplicação das outras camadas – parte 2
Desacoplando a camada de domínio de uma aplicação das outras camadas - parte 2,Ferramentas necessárias: Java SDK Docker Postman Ide de sua preferencia Ter concluído a Parte 1 ...