Using Apache Kafka for horizontal scaling of a temporal document store?
Using Apache Kafka for horizontal scaling of a temporal document store?,Hi all, since about a year I'm reading a bunch of stuff about distributed systems, especially database syste...
QuestDB – fast relational time-series DB, zero GC java
QuestDB - fast relational time-series DB, zero GC java,Hi all, We have just released QuestDB open source (apache 2.0), and we would welcome your feedback. QuestDB is an open-source...
A guide to accessing databases in Java
A guide to accessing databases in Java,You can use this guide to discover, understand, and select the right Java library to access a database, like MySQL, Postgres, Oracle - or any...
A day in the life of a software developer
A day in the life of a software developer, GEEKY BANTER (9 Part Series) 1 HTML vs HTML+CSS 2 Data Scientist ... 5 more parts... 3 A day in the life of a software developer 4 A youn...
File based database migration app
File based database migration app,I get frustrated if I have to do a task that can be automated or accomplished easier (with less brain activity). I think writing file based databa...
Client-Side SQL Query Parsing with ANTLR
Client-Side SQL Query Parsing with ANTLR,Authored by Rahul Patel Multiple Queries in the Console Query Editor Rockset Console’s query editor allows users to type and run queries o...
Best Possible Hibernate Configuration for Batch Inserts
Best Possible Hibernate Configuration for Batch Inserts, Problem In general, the hibernate entities (domains) are set to use database sequence as Id generator. In such a case, for ...
The Java Database Way: Reduce TCO
The Java Database Way: Reduce TCO,TCO (Total Cost Ownership) is the buzzword in today's business world. This metric helps enterprise managers assess direct and indirect costs and b...
Version Your Database / Future Directions
Version Your Database / Future Directions,Hi all, as I want to release version 1.0.0 of SirixDB[1] soon, but lack an Open Source community sadly I wanted to discuss here what you t...
In-Memory Performance for Big Data
In-Memory Performance for Big Data,This paper is really interesting -- pointer swizzling for traditional database systems with a Buffer Manager to compete with in-memory databases ...
Looking for Open Source contributors (and users :-))
Looking for Open Source contributors (and users :-)),Hi, I'm engineering an evolutionary, temporal Open Source data store[1] which currently allows storing XML and JSON data native...
Attaching actions to rollbacks in Spring
Attaching actions to rollbacks in Spring,We have a problem in a Spring Boot app where some files are created during a database transaction and they need to be deleted if the transa...