MobileBDD framework
MobileBDD framework,The mobile app automation testing framework was designed with full consideration of AOS testing, IOS testing, and switching to Webview context for H5 testing, m...
Java + Cucumber + Generator: Automating Step Definition Creation
Java + Cucumber + Generator: Automating Step Definition Creation,This is an advanced automation approach for generating step definitions in Java using Cucumber. Let's generate step...
Cucumber BDD Framework
Cucumber BDD Framework, Selenium (11 Part Series) 1 Selenium Java Cheat Sheet 2 Selenium Java Dropdowns, Checkboxes, Calendar, Autocomplete ... 7 more parts... 3 Getting started wi...
Extent Reports made easy using Cucumber Adapter
Extent Reports made easy using Cucumber Adapter,Report! Report! and yes we all need reports of whatever we do. This applies to test automation as well and we have a lot of options ...
Business Driven Development By Selenium Testing With Gherkin
Business Driven Development By Selenium Testing With Gherkin,Cucumber and Selenium are widely used frameworks for BDD(Behaviour Driven Development) and browser automation respectiv...
Serenity automation framework – Part 2/4 – Automation Test with UI using Cucumber
Serenity automation framework - Part 2/4 - Automation Test with UI using Cucumber,Hi folks, I'm back with another post. Please check out this for previous post about Serenity. At i...
Cucumber and Spring Boot
Cucumber and Spring Boot,I'm a big automated testing fan. Both work and personal, it just makes life easier. And I'm not just talking about unit testing. Integration/Acceptance/Ver...