Abstraction and Encapsulation – [OOP & Java #1]
Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1], OOP & Java (15 Part Series) 1 Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1] 2 Inheritance and Polymorphism - [OOP & J...
Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt2)
Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt2),If you are new- well hello! check out part one if you like to start at the beginning or just jump straight in Pop Right on with the next...
Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt 1)
Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt 1),I work primarily with JavaScript, but the place I work is using Java on the backend. Always being fascinated with different programming...
Excel Sheet Column Number
Excel Sheet Column Number,Given a column title as appear in an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number. For example: A -> 1 B -> 2 C -> 3 ... Z -> 26 AA -&g...
Understand Type Variances in 30 Seconds
Understand Type Variances in 30 Seconds,Type variances are a topic which most Java developers don't usually think about, but which can take some getting used to for those transitio...
Types vs. Classes
Types vs. Classes,Some languages (Java in particular) blur the line between types and classes. You may even see them used interchangeably in tutorials, documentation, etc. While th...
How Competitive Programming Background Helps in day-to-day Work on Enterprise Projects?
How Competitive Programming Background Helps in day-to-day Work on Enterprise Projects?,Competitive programming (CP) is a paradigm in which you design algorithms using your favouri...
KropiT: My first A.I Powered Android APP
KropiT: My first A.I Powered Android APP,We all at some point need a quick Digital-Photograph for our social media account or a quick passport-size photo for any document materials...
#100DaysOfCode challenge!
#100DaysOfCode challenge!, 🧐 what is the #100DaysOfCode challenge? It is a challenge that you take up for the next 100 days where you follow the 2 simple rules below. Code for a m...
Sum square difference – Project Euler Solution
Sum square difference - Project Euler Solution, Problem Solving Series(For Interview) (10 Part Series) 1 Multiples of 3 and 5 - Project Euler Solution 2 Two sum - Leet Code Solutio...
CASE STYLES IN PROGRAMMING !,have you ever came across words like camel case ,snake case and wondered what actually they mean? In this Article I will be elaborating about the diffe...
Amortized Time Complexity
Amortized Time Complexity,In computer science algorithms and data structures , most of the time we consider the Big-O complexity analysis as the benchmark. But Big-O Analysis is no...