CocoDetection in PyTorch (3)
CocoDetection in PyTorch (3),Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: My post explains CocoDetection() using train2014 with captions_train2014.json, instances_train2014.json and person_keypoints_tr...
CocoDetection in PyTorch (2)
CocoDetection in PyTorch (2),Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: My post explains CocoDetection() using train2014 with captions_train2014.json, instances_train2014.json and person_keypoints_tr...
CocoDetection in PyTorch (1)
CocoDetection in PyTorch (1),Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: My post explains CocoDetection() using train2017 with captions_train2017.json, instances_train2017.json and person_keypoints_tr...