Open-source is like all eyes looking at it, with Cam Saul, Metabase
Open-source is like all eyes looking at it, with Cam Saul, Metabase,️ 'If more people knew what we knew about Clojure...' For our final episode of 'Clojure in product. Would you d...
Difference Between Clojure, Kotlin and Scala
Difference Between Clojure, Kotlin and Scala, Intro The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) ecosystem is home to several powerful languages, each bringing unique features and paradigms. Clo...
Clojure in Product podcast
Clojure in Product podcast,We've just launched our podcast 'Clojure in Product. Would you do it again?'. Our first episode features Kalle Korhonen from Quuppa, who shares a journey...
To transduce or not to transduce?
To transduce or not to transduce?,Transducers are to Clojure what monads are to Haskell: an almost endless source of inspiration for blog posts and discussions. I've heard and read...
Scheming About Clojure
Scheming About Clojure,Clojure is a LISP for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). As a schemer, I wondered if I should give Clojure a go professionally. After all, I enjoy Rich Hickey's...
Calling Clojure from Java using a real example (Clojure + Quarkus)
Calling Clojure from Java using a real example (Clojure + Quarkus), The challenge Last weekend, I decided to explore more about how Clojure can interact with the existent Java ecos...
The Clojure Paradox
The Clojure Paradox,Several years ago, I came across The Python Paradox by Paul Graham. In it, Graham argues that Lisp and Python programmers are often those who genuinely care abo...
Need microservice? Take Clojure!
Need microservice? Take Clojure!,Initially, this post was published here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lets-write-simple-microservice-clojure-andrew-panfilov-2ghqe/ Intro This ar...
Entendendo Algoritmos – CAP 2. Como usar arrays e listas encadeadas na prática
Entendendo Algoritmos - CAP 2. Como usar arrays e listas encadeadas na prática, Este mês estou participando do clube de leitura #devslendo (Mais informações aqui) em que o livr...
Dynamic Workflows using Code in Netflix Conductor
Dynamic Workflows using Code in Netflix Conductor,Conductor is a popular platform for building resilient stateful applications by creating workflows that span across services. You ...
Why I decided to learn (and teach) Clojure
Why I decided to learn (and teach) Clojure,In 2017 I started to learn more about the universe of Functional Programming. This paradigm was gaining traction and most object-oriented...
Generating secrets in Clojure
Generating secrets in Clojure,Generating secrets is a very important part of any security-sensitive application. In this article, I'm going to tell you about a low-level library th...