Wednesday Links – Edition 2024-12-25
Wednesday Links - Edition 2024-12-25, Wednesday Links (232 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-05-27 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-06-03 ... 228 more parts... 3 Wednes...
Como Melhorar seu Código Java: 7 Boas Práticas e Padrões de Desenvolvimento
Como Melhorar seu Código Java: 7 Boas Práticas e Padrões de Desenvolvimento,Uma das coisas mais comuns (ou deveria ser) quando estamos desenvolvendo um projeto é se perguntar, ...
Gestion des Exceptions en Java : Guide Complet
Gestion des Exceptions en Java : Guide Complet,Les exceptions en Java sont une partie cruciale de la programmation robuste. En effet, elles permettent de gérer les erreurs de mani...
Best Way to Replace Duplicated Request Parameters in Spring Boot
Best Way to Replace Duplicated Request Parameters in Spring Boot, Article moved: https://medium.com/@mammadyahya/best-way-to-replace-duplicated-request-parameters-in-spring-boot-20...
Understanding Object Calisthenics: Writing Cleaner Code
Understanding Object Calisthenics: Writing Cleaner Code,In software development, adhering to clean code practices is essential to creating maintainable, scalable, and efficient app...
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach,I vividly rememeber my first encounter with the CPF (Brazillian ID) validation algorihm during my und...
Ruby Class Syntax
Ruby Class Syntax,Ruby's class and object syntax is beautiful. Python's can get gangly for large projects, and Java's is excessively verbose. 原文链接:Ruby Class Syntax
Reducing Coupling in Software Development: Strategies for Cleaner Code
Reducing Coupling in Software Development: Strategies for Cleaner Code,Coupling refers to the degree of dependency between different components or modules within a codebase. High c...
Software Design Principles: Single Level of Abstraction
Software Design Principles: Single Level of Abstraction,Single Level of Abstraction (SLA) is a software design principle that emphasizes the importance of having expressions at the...
Keep your code well organized. How I structure my web project
Keep your code well organized. How I structure my web project,Article originally posted on my personal website at How to organize your web project It is easy to get carried away an...
Clean Code
Clean Code,Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash Today I wanted to talk about clean code since we closed last week our SOLID series, I thought it would be perfect if I continued writ...
Revisiting the D in SOLID
Revisiting the D in SOLID,Photo by Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash This is a continuation of the SOLID. In the last post, I covered the I and now we will be continuing with the last D....