The Flatten Maven plugin
The Flatten Maven plugin,One of the Apache Maven committers recently wrote about their plans for Maven 5. I consider the following one of the most significant changes: In summary, ...
Faster Maven builds in Docker
Faster Maven builds in Docker, Faster Maven Builds (2 Part Series) 1 Faster Maven builds 2 Faster Maven builds in Docker Last week, I described different techniques to fasten your ...
Create a new open-source Java project using the Gradle build tool
Create a new open-source Java project using the Gradle build tool, 'Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash' This article was originally posted on my site, MihaiBojin.com. When building a ...
Useful maven commands
Useful maven commands,Dependency tree mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:tree -Dverbose=true -Dincludes=org.springframework.batch Enter fullscreen mode Exit fulls...
Ed’s Microsoft Build May 2021 Session Picks
Ed's Microsoft Build May 2021 Session Picks,Cross posted at ridingthecrest.com. The traditional audience for Microsoft Build is less technical and more business focused than the au...
Maven – Resources Dinâmicos
Maven - Resources Dinâmicos,Nossos projetos em Java geralmente possuem vários arquivos de configuração do projeto e do ambiente de execução, como por exemplo a configuração...
How to solve: “Symbol is declared in module X which does not export package Y”
How to solve: 'Symbol is declared in module X which does not export package Y',If you are here, I assume that you have encounter a message like one of these. Symbol is declared in ...