Bootcamp Java Developer Day #11
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #11, Day 11: Finished one course and solved 5 challenges level easy. 8) Finished: Implementing Collections and Streams with Java Today's topic were: Opt...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #10
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #10, Day 10: Resuming to bootcamp... I only studied one topic today. There is always a small test at the end of each topic and I bombed it five times. I...
Bootcamp Java Developer: Pause…
Bootcamp Java Developer: Pause...,I have to pause the bootcamp because I'm going to have a test on Fundaments of Discrete Mathematics on Thursday morning. 原文链接:Bootcamp Java D...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #9
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #9, Day 9: Still learning about Collections in Java. Somethings I already knew from python, but I realized I need to study binary trees. 8) Ongoing: Imp...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #8
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #8, Day 8: Done the first challenges + Started another course. This one is focused on Java Collections and Streams. 7) Completed: Introduction to Java P...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #7, Day 7: Yay! Finished the first course in Java (9 hours). It took me a lot of time to work with checkstyle and pmd, but they are working now. :D I'm ...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #6
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #6, Day 6: 6) Ongoing: Basic Development in Java Topic 4: Characteristics of Java language Created a Java project in IntelliJ with examples to learn som...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #5
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #5, Day 5: I was on the second topic of course 6 'Basic Development in Java' when I got a version incompatibility. It was the same problem I had last ye...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #4
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #4, Day 4: Today I finished course 5 and finally started a course about Java! But I did the software installation only. 5) Completed: Fundaments of Syst...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #3
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #3, Day 3: It's day three and I'm still on course 5. 5) Ongoing: Fundaments of Systems Architecture Third section: Architecture of mobile applications a...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #2
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #2, Day 2: Day 2 continued with basic content to prepare for learning Java. And instead of java I actually used python today. 5) Started: Fundaments of ...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #1
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #1,Today I started a Bootcamp Java Developer. The track contains video courses and challenges and I must complete it until 19th November 2020. I'm going...