WTF is an Optional?
WTF is an Optional?,I'm starting a series of java tutorials that go along the title of WTF is a(n) _____ ? I'm going to start with optionals in this tutorial. So WTF is an optional...
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 7: Anagrams
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 7: Anagrams,This is the seventh article of my attempts to follow Stephen Grider's Udemy course in three different languages. JavaScript...
Install Groovy with ZSH (plus automation in Jira & Confluence)
Install Groovy with ZSH (plus automation in Jira & Confluence),Full disclosure: I work for Atlassian. As a result, I spend a great deal of time creating, updating, and reading Conf...
Logic of the JWT(JSON Web Tokens)
Logic of the JWT(JSON Web Tokens),In this post, we will learn what is the JWT and logic of the JWT. The IETF is designed as a standard token format. Such as validation, user identi...
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 6: Array Chunking
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 6: Array Chunking,This is the sixth article of my attempts to follow Stephen Grider's Udemy course in three different languages. JavaSc...
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 4: MaxChar
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 4: MaxChar,This is the fourth article of my attempts to follow Stephen Grider's Udemy course in three different languages. First I quot...
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 1: String Reversal
Learning Algorithms with JS, Python and Java 1: String Reversal,When I study natural languages, I've always enjoyed comparing them. It was intriguing to know, for example, that the...
The Inspiration API: A project built with Scala & Play Framework
The Inspiration API: A project built with Scala & Play Framework,You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. - Richard Branson The Inspirat...
Introducing re-agent: Java undo/redo & command delegation
Introducing re-agent: Java undo/redo & command delegation, As a preface, this is my first library, and somewhat embarrassingly, my first blog post . Any feedback would be greatly a...
Eclipseでサーブレットプログラムを作成する,Eclipseをまだ導入されていない方はこちらの記事を参考にEclipseを導入してください。 1プロジェクトの作成 サーブレットの簡単なプロジェクトを作...
Eclipseの導入方法と簡単なJavaプログラムの実行方法,Eclipseの導入とサンプルアプリケーションの実行までを行います。 なお執筆時点での筆者の環境は OS:Windows7 32bit ブラウザ:Google Chrom...