Introduction to Unit Testing with Java
Introduction to Unit Testing with Java,_Cover image by [Hans-Peter Gauster](https://unsplash.com/@sloppyperfectionist) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)_ We all have been there:...
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet
Introduction to Java: modifiers cheatsheet,Modifiers in Java still seem tricky to me, so I'll try to put it as short as possible. Modifiers are words that alter the class / method ...
Maven for Ant People
Maven for Ant People,Ant people often find Maven completely mystifying. I know I did. I work at a shop that was, until recently, completely Ant based. We built complex build script...
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8
How to Write a Multiline Lambda in Java 8,For the most part, single line lambda functions are all you need. This is a single line lambda: Predicate<Sound> isBark = sound ->...
From student to professional Software Developer
From student to professional Software Developer,So where do I start? Software development is my passion. I'm a professional full stack Software developer, and outside of work I spe...
The Builder Pattern in Java, and Dart Cascades
The Builder Pattern in Java, and Dart Cascades,Object construction is something that everyone will have to do in a language that has object-oriented paradigms. However, when your o...
What Is Null? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me)
What Is Null? (Baby Don't Hurt Me),There are two kinds of programmers out there. Those that have had null-related errors in their programs and those that are just starting their ca...
Android App Release
Android App Release,Hello all, just wanted to share that I have officially released an app for the Android platform. Cred Container is a utility-based application allowing users to...
Intro to Butter Knife for Android views
Intro to Butter Knife for Android views, Butter Knife? Butter knife is a very nice library for Android view injection. Butter knife helps reduce a lot of boilerplate code (e.g repe...
Getting Started with SparkPost in Java
Getting Started with SparkPost in Java,The SparkPost Java library is a popular way to integrate with SparkPost. If this describes your current task, this article will help you send...
Modern Java Development is Fast
Modern Java Development is Fast,Originally posted on return.co.de Java Development is fast - and fun. Believe it or not. I hear a lot of Java bashing in podcasts, mostly by develop...
Debug Like a Champion
Debug Like a Champion, As Pareto’s Law says: Software development is 20% of the time developing and 80% debugging. Imagine how powerful you could become if you cut down the debugg...