Seeking Guidance for a University Management System App in Java
Seeking Guidance for a University Management System App in Java,I'm a beginner in app development and am excited to create a university management system app using Java. I’m looki...
Primeiro,Esse espaço será utilizado para registrar o entendimento dos conteúdos que estudo e sempre que possível revisitar esses pensamentos e mudar de opinião se necessário....
I REQUIRE HELP FOR MY LEARNING ABOUT PROGRAMMING,Hello, I am a systems engineering student, and I feel like I am not learning much about programming in my courses. I want to learn ...
Coding a Simple Python Timer with Tkinter
Coding a Simple Python Timer with Tkinter,When I talked to my friend, a professional Python developer, about different ways of coding apps with a GUI and mentioned tkinter, he laug...
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach
Demystifying CPF and CNPJ Check Digit Algorithms: A Clear and Concise Approach,I vividly rememeber my first encounter with the CPF (Brazillian ID) validation algorihm during my und...
Understanding Java Memory Leaks and How to Prevent Them
Understanding Java Memory Leaks and How to Prevent Them,Java, being a managed language with an automatic garbage collector (GC), is often thought to be immune to memory leaks. Howe...
Code Smell 265 – Linguistic Confusion
Code Smell 265 - Linguistic Confusion, Code Smells (285 Part Series) 1 Code Smell 01 - Anemic Models 2 Code Smell 02 - Constants and Magic Numbers ... 281 more parts... 3 Code Smel...
# 🤖 Mastering Regex in Java: A Developer’s Essential Guide
# 🤖 Mastering Regex in Java: A Developer's Essential Guide,Regular expressions, commonly known as Regex, are powerful tools in a developer's arsenal for pattern matching and text ...
Implementing a Map Using Hashing
Implementing a Map Using Hashing,A map can be implemented using hashing. Now you understand the concept of hashing. You know how to design a good hash function to map a key to an i...
Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining
Handling Collisions Using Separate Chaining,The separate chaining scheme places all entries with the same hash index in the same location, rather than finding new locations. Each l...
Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing
Handling Collisions Using Open Addressing,A collision occurs when two keys are mapped to the same index in a hash table. Generally, there are two ways for handling collisions: open...
Hashing,Hashing is superefficient. It takes O(1) time to search, insert, and delete an element using hashing. An element can be found in O(log n) time in a well-balanced search tre...