How to unzip a zip file from s3 using lambda function
How to unzip a zip file from s3 using lambda function,I uploaded zip file in s3 bucket. I want to extract the zip file and store it into the s3 again. How can achieve these things ...
Face recognition of celebrities in Java with Amazon Rekognition
Face recognition of celebrities in Java with Amazon Rekognition,As stated on the Amazon Web Services website, Amazon Rekognition is a service that enables you to add image analysis...
Deploying a Java Springboot App to an AWS Amazon Linux 2 EC2 Instance
Deploying a Java Springboot App to an AWS Amazon Linux 2 EC2 Instance,Hey there, in this post, I'm going to show you step by step how to deploy a Java SpringBoot Application to an ...
Interview OS (Part 1)
Interview OS (Part 1),In this article, we will talk about the types of OS and how they can be asked in the interviews. The types of OS that we will discuss are:- Batched OS Time Sh...
Building Quarkus native images. You can do it too!
Building Quarkus native images. You can do it too!,If you read the Quarkus native build page, it should be a breeze: enable -Pnative and there we go! Well… not so fast. Not so fas...
What is Lambda Layers and how to use it with Java runtime?
What is Lambda Layers and how to use it with Java runtime?,When developing serverless functions, you often need additional dependencies or libraries for the function to work. For L...
Spring Boot : Handle AWS RDS password change or rotation without restarting
Spring Boot : Handle AWS RDS password change or rotation without restarting,This article is about how you can handle AWS RDS secrets rotation without restarting your Spring Boot ap...
Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java
Creating an AWS Lambda Function in Java,To create an AWS Lambda function in Java, first, we need to create a Handler class that implements the RequestHandler interface from the lam...
How to create dynamic content using AWS Lambda?
How to create dynamic content using AWS Lambda?,Hello Everyone! Today we are going to see how you can generate dynamic content in Lamdba. We are going to use Java 8, Apache Maven, ...
REST API using AWS Java SDK,In the previous post, we looked at a simple Lambda handler using the AWS Java SDK. In this post, we're going to implement Rest API with Lambda (using La...
Unsupported mediatype error in Amazon eventbridge call
Unsupported mediatype error in Amazon eventbridge call, Unsupported mediatype error in Amazon eventbridge call Sep 11 '20 Comments: 1 Answers: 0 0 I am trying to push event on Amaz...